It was a massacre.
Not just in terms of the number of injured and dead.
But a massacre that any civilians should be killed,standing and defending their plant.
它还是在向所有平民传达一条信息 即任何保卫自己工厂的人都会被杀死
Over night, Homestead becomes a searing symbol of life and death in Industrial America.
一夜间 霍姆斯泰德为工业美国打上了惨无人道的烙印
Carnegie probably was appalled at what happened at Homestead.
He prided himself on portraying his company as an enlightened, progressive company,which in many ways it was.
他自豪地将自己的公司描述成一家文明进步的公司 很多方面这也确实没错
What Homestead did was cast a stain on that and on his reputation that he had a very hard time living down.
但霍姆斯泰德事件却玷污了这一形象 他的声誉损失恐怕不是一时半会弥补得了的
Carnegie extends his stay in Scotland......Hoping the distance will allow the controversy to blow over
卡内基继续留在了苏格兰 希望距离能够让争议逐渐被淡忘
But American reporters track him down.
Excuse me, just a word. No gentleman.
打扰一下 就问一句 不行 先生
Mr. Carnegie our readers...Another time gentlemen. Yes, just a word.
卡内基先生 我们的读者…我再说一次 先生 好 就问一句
I am not in the habit of giving interviews in the middle of public parks.
Mr. Carnegie.Get out of my damned way.
卡内基先生 从我面前滚开
While Carnegie's hounded by press abroad...
国外 到处都有找他采访的媒体
...At home, the public's outrage is escalating.
国内 公众的愤怒还在升级
A new group is emerging,calling themselves "The Anarchists."
Known for their violent tactics,they are beginning to strike out.
Whenever and wherever they see injustice.
Now they've turned their attention to the massacre at Homestead.
现在 他们将注意力转到了霍姆斯泰德大屠杀
Demanding payback.
Their target is the chairman of Carnegie Steel.
Henry Frick is determined to get steel production back up to speed.
But his enemies have other plans.
Mr. Frick.