Long-Named Hawaiian Woman Wins ID Battle
A Hawaiian woman whose last name contains 36 letters and 19 syllables won a petition to have her full name placed on her driver’s license. Since getting married in 1992, the Hawaiian woman (Janice Lokelani Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele) has carried an ID with only part of her last name and none of her first name. The computer system in Hawaii could not handle more than 35 characters. Janice was insulted when a traffic officer recently suggested she use her maiden name “Worth” since it is short and simple. Like many Hawaiian last names, hers has important meanings. Her name also helps her feel close to her late husband who passed away in 2008. By the end of this year, state IDs in Hawaii will be able to accommodate longer names.
夏威夷女子上诉成功,驾驶证将以全名呈现,该女子姓氏含36个字母,19个音节。自1992年结婚以来,贾尼丝(Janice Lokelani Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele) 身份证姓氏只保留一半,且没有自己的名。夏威夷政府部门只能容纳35个字母。近日,某交警曾建议她使用简短的婚前名“沃思”,这令她感到受到伤害。就如诸多夏威夷姓氏一样,她的姓氏有着重要意义。因为有了这个姓氏,她能感觉到自己就在丈夫身旁,丈夫在2008年逝世。到今年年末,夏威夷身份证将“扩容”。