one of the real problems was convincing people the bridge wasn't going to fall.
I mean nobody had ever seen bridges like this, anywhere.
Carnegie sees all the possible uses for steel.
But before he can realize the materials potential......he needs to convince the public of its strength.
And he has a plan to do just that.
这方面 他拟定了一个计划

A popular superstition at the time,holds that an elephant won't cross an unstable structure.
The day the bridge opens, Carnegie,who is also a master publicist, sets up a parade across the bridge that's led by an elephant.
桥梁开放当天 卡内基作为一名优秀的公关专家组织了一场隆重的跨桥游行 领头的是一头大象
It's an incredible gamble.
But Carnegie hopes if the elephant crosses,the people will follow.
但是卡内基希望 只要大象愿意走过大桥 人们就会紧随其后
As the people of St. Louis look at this bridge, they see that it can sustain whatever weight's going to be put on it.