10 Ways In Which Beer Might Be Good For You
Here are some scientifically proven health benefits of beer on the human body.
Cheers for the beers…
1. Wheat beer reduces muscle inflammation
1. 小麦啤酒能消除肌肉酸痛和身体疲劳
2. It helps fight respiratory illnesses.
2. 喝啤酒有助于对抗呼吸道疾病
3. Beer makes you live longer
3. 喝啤酒可延年益寿
4. Beer could help prevent some cancers
4. 啤酒某种程度上可预防某些癌症
5. Beer helps your digestive system
5. 啤酒有利于肠道消化
6. Beer helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay
6. 啤酒能有效预防牙龈疾病和蛀牙
7. Beer prevents kidney stones
7. 喝啤酒能降低得肾结石的概率
8. Beer protects against certain brain diseases
8. 喝啤酒能抵抗某些脑部疾病
9. Beer strengthens your bones
9. 喝啤酒能够强健骨骼
10. Beer helps prevent cardiovascular disease
10. 喝啤酒有助于预防心血管疾病