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世界名人简介(MP3+中英字幕) 第98期:玛雅·安吉罗

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Maya Angelou is part of the fabric of modern America.
  • 玛雅·安吉罗是现代美国的一部分。
  • She has told her story of being a key part of the civil rights movement through poetry, novels and film.
  • 通过她的诗歌、小说以及电影,民权运动贯穿始终。
  • She is best known for her six autobiographies, most notably 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings'.
  • 她的六部自传享誉全球,《我知道笼中的鸟儿为何歌唱》最为知名。
  • In 1993, President Bill Clinton asked her to recite one of her poems at his inauguration.
  • 1993年,安吉罗应邀在克林顿就职典礼上朗诵诗作。
  • Angelou was born in Missouri in 1928 into a deeply segregated society.
  • 1928年,安吉罗出生在密苏里州,种族隔离现象严重。
  • Her parent's divorce meant she was sent back and forth between her mother and grandmother.
  • 父母离异,安吉罗奔波于母亲和祖母之间。
  • Her mother's boyfriend raped her when she was eight.
  • 八岁时,安吉罗遭母亲男友强奸。
  • His later murder left Angelou mute for five years.
  • 之后,该男子遭到谋杀,安吉罗陷入五年“失语”状态。
  • She studied drama and literature at school, and three weeks after graduating, gave birth to her son.
  • 她的专业是戏剧和文学,毕业三周后,安吉罗生下一子。
  • Angelou struggled to survive for many years.
  • 多年来,安吉罗艰难困苦。
  • She experienced poverty, crime, prostitution and her son being kidnapped.
  • 她经历过贫穷、犯罪以及卖淫,儿子也曾遭到绑架。
  • She won a scholarship to study dance.
  • 她曾获得舞蹈专业奖学金。
  • Her career as a singer and dancer took off.
  • 歌手和舞者生涯从此开始。
  • She moved to New York and acted in Broadway plays.
  • 之后搬到纽约,并出演百老汇剧目。
  • She also met Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X and became active in the civil rights movement.
  • 安吉罗曾与马丁·路德·金,马尔科姆·艾克斯会面,并从此活跃于民权运动。
  • Angelou became, and is to this day, a prolific writer.
  • 当时,安吉罗成为了一名多产作家。
  • She also toured the USA giving lectures, appeared in TV series and wrote songs.
  • 周游美国,举办演讲,还曾出演电视剧,创作歌曲。
  • Her screenplay, 'Georgia, Georgia' was the first written by a black woman to be made into a movie.
  • 她还为电影《格鲁吉亚,格鲁吉亚》创作剧本,安吉罗也成为了首位黑人电影剧作家。
  • Angelou has been highly honored for her significant cultural contributions and has over 30 honorary degrees.
  • 她的文化贡献成绩斐然,曾获得30多个荣誉学位。
  • She is an American legend.
  • 她是美国传奇人物。


Maya Angelou is part of the fabric of modern America. She has told her story of being a key part of the civil rights movement through poetry, novels and film. She is best known for her six autobiographies, most notably ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’. In 1993, President Bill Clinton asked her to recite one of her poems at his inauguration.


Angelou was born in Missouri in 1928 into a deeply segregated society. Her parent’s divorce meant she was sent back and forth between her mother and grandmother. Her mother’s boyfriend raped her when she was eight. His later murder left Angelou mute for five years. She studied drama and literature at school, and three weeks after graduating, gave birth to her son.



Angelou struggled to survive for many years. She experienced poverty, crime, prostitution and her son being kidnapped. She won a scholarship to study dance. Her career as a singer and dancer took off. She moved to New York and acted in Broadway plays. She also met Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X and became active in the civil rights movement.

多年来,安吉罗艰难困苦。她经历过贫穷、犯罪以及卖淫,儿子也曾遭到绑架。 她曾获得舞蹈专业奖学金。歌手和舞者生涯从此开始。之后搬到纽约,并出演百老汇剧目。安吉罗曾与马丁·路德·金,马尔科姆·艾克斯会面,并从此活跃于民权运动。

Angelou became, and is to this day, a prolific writer. She also toured the USA giving lectures, appeared in TV series and wrote songs. Her screenplay, ‘Georgia, Georgia’ was the first written by a black woman to be made into a movie. Angelou has been highly honored for her significant cultural contributions and has over 30 honorary degrees. She is an American legend.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

recite [ri'sait]


vt. 背诵,逐一例举,叙述或回答问题

inauguration [in.ɔ:gju'reiʃən]


n. 就职典礼,落成典礼,开幕仪式

reconstitute [,ri:'kɔnstitju:t]


vt. 重新设立;重新组成

legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇

fabric ['fæbrik]


n. 织物,结构,构造
vt. 构筑

prolific [prə'lifik]


adj. 多产的,作品丰富的

poverty ['pɔvəti]


n. 贫困,贫乏

perception [pə'sepʃən]


n. 感知,认识,观念





