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世界500强CEO访谈 第29期:花旗集团潘迪特 尽力确保增加股本总额(2)

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  • Well, there's—some of them are toxic, some of them are good.
  • 对,但是有些是不良资产,有些资产是好的。
  • OK.
  • 原来是这样。
  • There are just too many of them, and there has to be a plan to clean up these assets and have institutions and/or funds buy them.
  • 是的,那样的资产有很多,我们必须要有计划的清除那些资产,并且有机构或资金来购买它们。
  • And that's the Treasury has been working on that.
  • 财政部已经在为这方面进行努力了,
  • The Fed is helping that.
  • 美联储也在努力,
  • And so we have some more work to do with that.
  • 所以对此我们也有很多事情要做。
  • But the last part is the most important one, which is if you attack housing, and at the same time unemployment is still rising,
  • 但是最重要的是最后一部分,如果你进军房产业,而同时失业率也在不断上升的话,
  • that doesn't necessarily help us get out of where we need to be.
  • 那对我们不一定有利,
  • And so we have to have a fiscal stimulus.
  • 因此我们必须还需要有政府财政的剌激。
  • And the president-elect has said that he's considering that.
  • 总统当选人说,他正在考虑这件事情,
  • It may be one of his first actions.
  • 那也许会是他采取的第一个行动,
  • We have got to have a fiscal stimulus to jumpstart this economy.
  • 我们必须要有政府财政的剌激,才能够重新启动我们的经济。
  • You and most of the bankers you know agree with that, that we need the kind of physical stimulus that the president-elect is talking about,
  • 对此您和大多数您认识的银行家达成了一致意见,那就是需要总统当选人所说的要为我们提供的物质剌激,
  • at the range of $500 billion, $600 billion, that will not only be involved in infrastructure, but also in terms of alternative energy and lots of other issues.
  • 5000亿或者6000亿美元,那将不仅涉及到基础设施,也包括替代能源和许多其他的事情。
  • I think that's right.
  • 我想是这样的。
  • We need to do that, but at the back end of that,
  • 我们必须要那样做,但是最终,
  • we want to make sure that we're attacking some of those issues for America that are going to be important long-term, like infrastructure, health care, those kind of things.
  • 我们要确保我们所做的事情对于美国人民来说是重要的、有长期效果的,比如像基础设施、卫生保健那样的事情。
  • How do you size up the president's economic team?
  • 您怎样评价总统先生的经济团队呢?
  • Tim Geithner, who you've worked with, who you know, because of some of these negotiations.
  • 包括与您在谈判中合作过的蒂姆.盖特纳?
  • Larry Summers, of course you know.
  • 还有您认识的拉里.萨默斯?
  • I like it. I think it's one of the best teams one could put together.
  • 我很喜欢这个团队。我想这是所能够组织起来的一个最好的团队,
  • I have known Larry somewhat. He's a very smart man. He's experienced.
  • 我认识拉里,他是一个机智而且经验丰富的人,
  • He actually is very good at looking through a lot of details and coming up with a theory.
  • 事实上,他很擅长从大量细节中形成理论。
  • Geithner understands theories. He understands practice. He's a doer.
  • 盖特纳能够明白理论,亦能够理解实践,他是一个实干家。
  • And unfortunately, he has had a lot of experience in dealing with some of these things over the last six months.
  • 对他来说不幸的是,过去的这6个月时间里,有很多处理不良金融问题的经验,
  • So it's good to have him. It's good to have Larry.
  • 所以这个团队有盖特纳真的不错,拉里也很优秀。
  • My impression is that Geithner was involved in the negotiations having to do that took place over the weekend
  • 在我的印象里,盖特纳是由于协约问题必须要那样做,那件事是周末的时候发生的,
  • but he pulled back after it became public that he might be the secretary of the Treasury nominee.
  • 当事情被公开之后,他要离开这个团队,因为他可能会成为财政部长的候选人。
  • Charlie, we dealt with a lot of regulators over the weekend.
  • 查理,周末的时候我们处理了很多事情,
  • And that is one of the wonderful things about what happened over the weekend.
  • 而那是周末发生的奇妙的事情之一。
  • Everybody came together.
  • 每个人都走到一起,
  • And this was the FDIC, this was the OCC, this was the Fed, it was the Department of Treasury.
  • 这个是联邦存款保险公司,那个是货帀监理署,这个是美联储,那个是财政部。
  • It was the confidence in the financial system as a whole.
  • 这是大家对于金融体系的整体信心,
  • And so, a lot of people are involved in trying to figure out, OK, we're in this market, where we have a battle between fear and confidence.
  • 所以很多人都试图去弄明白,我们正处于一个信心与恐惧抗争的市场之中。


Vikram Pandit: Well, theressome of them are toxic, some of them are good.


Reporter: OK.



Vikram Pandit: There are just too many of them, and there has to be a plan to clean up these assets and have institutions and/or funds buy them. And thatsthe Treasury has been working on that. The Fed is helping that. And so we have some more work to do with that. But the last part is the most important one, which is if you attack housingand at the same time unemployment is still rising, that doesnt necessarily help us get out of where we need to be. And so we have to have a fiscal stimulus. And the president-elect has said that hes considering that. It may be one of his first actions. We have got to have a fiscal stimulus to jumpstart this economy.

潘迪特:是的,那样的资产有很多,我们必须要有计划的清除那些资产,并且有机构或资金来购买它们。财政部已经在为这方面进行努力了,美联储也在努力,所以对此我们也有很多事情要做。但是最重要的是最后一部分,如果你进军房产业,而同时失业率也在不 断上升的话,那对我们不一定有利,因此我们必须还需要有政府财政的剌激。总统当选人说,他正在考虑这件事情,那也许会是他采取的第一个行动,我们必须要有政府财政的剌激,才能够重新启动我们的经济。

Reporter: You and most of the bankers you know agree with that, that we need the kind of physical stimulus that the president-elect is talking about, at the range of $500 billion, $600 billion, that will not only be involved in infrastructure, but also in terms of alternative energy and lots of other issues.


Vikram Pandit: I think thats right. Now, one of the opportunities we have is to not only use the fiscal stimulus to jump-start the economy. We need to do that, but at the back end of that, we want to make sure that were attacking some of those issues for America that are going to be important long-term, like infrastructure, health care, those kind of things.


Reporter: How do you size up the presidents economic team? Tim Geithner, who youve worked with, who you know, because of some of these negotiations. Larry Summers, of course you know.


Vikram Pandit: I like it. I think its one of the best teams one could put together. I have known Larry somewhat. Hes a very smart man. Hes experienced. He actually is very good at looking through a lot of details and coming up with a theory. Geithner understands theories. He understands practice. He's a doer. And unfortunately, he has had a lot of experience in dealing with some of these things over the last six months. So its good to have him. Its good to have Larry.


Reporter: My impression is that Geithner was involved in the negotiations having to do~ that took place over the weekendbut he pulled back after it became public that he might be the secretary of the Treasury nominee.


Vikram Pandit: Charlie, we dealt with a lot of regulators over the weekend. And that is one of the wonderful things about what happened over the weekend. Everybody came together. And this was the FDICthis was the OCC, this was the Fed, it was the Department of Treasury. It was the confidence in the financial system as a whole. And so, a lot of people are involved in trying to figure out, OK, were in this market, where we have a battle between fear and confidence.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fiscal ['fiskəl]


adj. 财政的,国库的

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

treasury ['treʒəri]


n. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排





