Palmisano: I know, evolving is the tricky thing. And evolving it around the world, because our partners are global, they’re not regional. So it,s multi dimensions of the evolution. But I think if we could agree, all of us could agree that this is the path we want to go down and then keep working together, because the best way for us to work with the partners as you know is to have an open dialogue and communications. And we have to be fluid, and in a way we have to trust each other. So therefore this is open dialogue and communications. At the same time IBM today has a very strong point of view. We do. We have a strong point of view around the importance of standards. We have a strong point of view around the importance of adding value around integrating. We want more people in our ecosystem committed to standards-based computing architectures. We’ll go make sure that we have the best cost points and the best technology. But we’re committed to standards and we want our partners with us there, on open standards-based architectures. We are going to be biased, right? People that are committed to a proprietary approach, we’re not going to have as much interested in helping as those committed to standards. People that want to work with us to get to standards based computing models, we are very open and willing to invest in. People that feel that they’ve to stay on proprietary approaches, they’ve made a business decision. But there are proprietary companies that probably want to invest in them, but we’re not that proprietary company.
Reporter:So you want these guys to commit more to the IBM way of thinking...
Palmisano: No, more to standards. Open standards. It’s not an IBM thing; it’s an industry thing. We want them committed more to open standards. And it’s not an IBM thing; this is the industry. We just think there’s a need for an ecosystem committed around standards. There’s clearly a huge ecosystem committed to proprietary approaches, as you know. And so all we’re saying is we want some counterbalance.
彭明盛:不,我认为是以一种标准,开放的标那不是IBM的标准,而是整个产业的标准,我希望他们能够更多地致力于这个开放的标准。我们只是认为,作为一个体系,有一个共同的标准是必须的。你知道,有很多体系是朝向一个自营方式靠拢的,所以我们说的一 切就是要说明我们需要一些抗衡力。
Reporter: You know, HP is making a big push in the consumer electronics space. Are you planning to jump in?
Palmisano: We are enterprise. We used to be in retail. We were in retail, we were in retail PC. Remember we had, we were an Internet service provider, a thing called IBM GN, the IBM Global Network. We are enterprise. We (make) no bones of what we are, we know what we are. We are the leading company in the enterprise. There’s only one sector we’re not number one in, that’s industrial.