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- (PHNOM PENH, Reuters)The price of raw crickets has dropped recently.
- (路透社柬埔寨金边电)生蟋蟀的价格最近下跌。
- They are a popular snack among Cambodians.
- 蟋蟀是柬埔寨人常吃的点心。
- "The price of crickets has dropped to$0.26 per kg, compared with $0.50 to$0.75 before," a cricket seller complained.
- “以前蟋蟀每公斤可以卖到0.50美元至0.75美元,现在价格降到每公斤才0.26美元,”一位卖蟋蟀的老兄抱怨。
- "I could catch up to 100 kg per night during the rains," he said.
- “下雨天的时候,我每晚最多可以捉到一百公斤的蟋蟀,”他说。
(PHNOM PENH,Reuters)The price of raw crickets has dropped recently.

They are a popular snack among Cambodians.
"The price of crickets has dropped to$0.26 per kg,compared with $0.50 to$0.75 before," a cricket seller complained.
"I could catch up to 100 kg per night during the rains," he said.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201602/427330.shtml