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加利福尼亚大学电视台公开课(MP3+字幕) 睡眠健康:第83期

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You're gonna be shown a word on the left...
  • 你会看到左边有一个词
  • what we do here in the Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab at Berkeley
  • 在伯克利分校的睡眠与神经成像实验室
  • is we try to understand the role of sleep and memory processing
  • 我们尝试着理解睡眠的作用以及记忆的过程
  • This study is trying to understand why it is that sleep is worse in older people
  • 这项研究的目的在于 理解为什么老年人的睡眠质量变差
  • and whether or not memory problems are one of the consequences of that
  • 以及记忆力障碍 是否是睡眠质量下降的一个后果
  • We found in the study was that sleep is an important contributor
  • 我们在研究中发现 睡眠在对于老年人的记忆力下降方面
  • to memory decline in later life
  • 产生了非常大的影响
  • In other words if you have bad sleep
  • 换句话说 如果你的睡眠不好
  • your memory is a lot worse
  • 那么你的记忆力也不好
  • What it highlights is that there is a potential that if we can improve sleep
  • 这就是说 有可能通过改善睡眠质量
  • we can actually improve memory
  • 来改善记忆
  • We have them study word pairs
  • 我们要求研究对象学习词组
  • Specifically a word paired with a nonsense word
  • 具体来说 就是一个词搭配一个没有意义的词
  • We want them to have a memory test
  • 我们对他们进行记忆力测试
  • to really tag part of the brain called "hippocampus"
  • 以研究大脑海马状突起的活动
  • A really hard memory test
  • 这是一个较难的记忆力测试
  • that will make it more challenging for older adults
  • 对老年人来说挑战不小
  • They first see them and then study them and then we test them on the after sleep
  • 他们先看这些词 然后学习它们 然后我们在他们睡了一觉之后对他们进行测试
  • to see how much of those memories they retained
  • 看他们还记得多少词
  • We put electros on their head
  • 我们在他们的头上安装电极片
  • so that we can monitor their sleep using something called EEG Electroencephalography
  • 对他们的睡眠进行监测 我们使用EEG 也就是脑电图


You're gonna be shown a word on the left...


what we do here in the Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab at Berkeley


is we try to understand the role of sleep and memory processing


This study is trying to understand why it is that sleep is worse in older people

这项研究的目的在于 理解为什么老年人的睡眠质量变差

and whether or not memory problems are one of the consequences of that

以及记忆力障碍 是否是睡眠质量下降的一个后果

We found in the study was that sleep is an important contributor

我们在研究中发现 睡眠在对于老年人的记忆力下降方面

to memory decline in later life


In other words if you have bad sleep

换句话说 如果你的睡眠不好

your memory is a lot worse


What it highlights is that there is a potential that if we can improve sleep

这就是说 有可能通过改善睡眠质量

we can actually improve memory


We have them study word pairs


Specifically a word paired with a nonsense word

具体来说 就是一个词搭配一个没有意义的词

We want them to have a memory test


to really tag part of the brain called "hippocampus"


A really hard memory test


that will make it more challenging for older adults


They first see them and then study them and then we test them on the after sleep

他们先看这些词 然后学习它们 然后我们在他们睡了一觉之后对他们进行测试

to see how much of those memories they retained


We put electros on their head


so that we can monitor their sleep using something called EEG Electroencephalography

对他们的睡眠进行监测 我们使用EEG 也就是脑电图

重点单词   查看全部解释    
decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

challenging ['tʃælindʒiŋ]


adj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能





