So I'd like take this opportunity to thank our parents and those who have supported us to get to this point so far
我希望借此机会感谢我们的父母 还有那些在我们前进道路上给予支持的人们
and thank them in advance for their support as fumble, fidget and yes fail sometimes and figure out the right path for you
提前感谢他们对你们的支持在你们摸索 不安甚至失败的时候帮助你们找到正确的前进道路
But wherever that path goes
I promise it couldn't happen without the people supporting you filling this stadium who encourage and inspire you to get there
我保证 没有他人的支持 你是走不通的所有这些坐满体育场 鼓励和启发你们的人
So let's give them all a big thanks now
If you had told, the Hopkins class, when I graduated that the world that we transformed by the Internet
霍普金斯毕业生们 如果你在我毕业时说世界将被因特网所变革
that 2 billion people would be connected online
that you would find all the knowledge in your pocket that you could map full genomes for a few thousand dollars
that you could develop touch screen technology that you could talk to like in Star Trek no one would have believed you
《星际迷航》中的那种触屏技术会出现 没人会相信你
Well, actually this is Hopkins
实际上 这就是霍普金斯
so there would have been a few who would have said, duh
也许有些人会说 有什么了不起
we knew that was going to happen but anyway, for most of us
我们知道这些都会发生 但在大多数人看来
the future was beyond our imagination as it is beyond yours
未来远远超出了我们的想象 你们也不例外