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J.K.罗琳:生命中的一年 >
- And it's amazing how people can't and don't care enough to try and redress some of those issues.
- 惊异的是人们如此地不管不顾,也不试着去弥补那些问题。
- Those things make me very angry.
- 那些事情让我非常生气。
- Jo Rowling has given away millions of pounds.
- 乔·罗琳已经捐赠了数百万英镑。
- She's never forgotten what it was like to have very little money.
- 她从来不会忘记口袋空空是怎么样的感觉。
- Amidst all the fame and the trappings of success
- 身处名誉和成功的樊笼之中,
- it's probably quite easy to lose sight of who she was when she started out.
- 她很可能会忽略那个刚刚出发的自己。
- So I wanted to take her back to her old flat in Leith where she finished the very first Harry Potter book
- 所以我想把她带到利斯的旧居。在那里她完成了第一本《哈利·波特》小说,
- and find out what her life had been like then.
- 并寻找她那时的生活是怎样的。
- It's only a few miles from her main house in Edinburgh but this is the first time she's been back.
- 那里离她的爱丁堡住所仅仅数里之遥,但这是她第一次回去。
And it's amazing how people can't and don't care enough to try and redress some of those issues.
Those things make me very angry.
Jo Rowling has given away millions of pounds.
She's never forgotten what it was like to have very little money.

Amidst all the fame and the trappings of success it's probably quite easy to lose sight of who she was when she started out.
So I wanted to take her back to her old flat in Leith where she finished the very first Harry Potter book and find out what her life had been like then.
It's only a few miles from her main house in Edinburgh but this is the first time she's been back.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201512/414674.shtml