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智慧人生篇章(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:春回大地

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In the front gardens, even in the rain, I notice the first signs of spring and the greyness of winter giving way to small yellow white and purple flowers.
  • 即使在雨中,我也能从花园前感受到春回大地的气息,黄黄紫紫的小花取代了冬天那暗沉沉的色调。
  • Spring is rising in all the animals which include us humans. So we smile good mornings to our neighbours and put out food for our fellow creatures.
  • 所有动物,包括我们人类,都能感受到春的临近。因此我们微笑着向邻居们道早安,给小动物们喂食。
  • I try to save some small spiders who've climbed up the water pipes into my bath.
  • 我想救几只顺着水暖管道爬进我家浴室的小蜘蛛。
  • I manoeuvre them with my flannel out of the danger zone and put nourishing cake crumbs before them, which terrifies them!
  • 我用我的法兰绒裤子把它们挪出了危险地带,还在它们面前放了点面包屑,这可把它们吓坏了。
  • Nature isn't always red in tooth and claw.I remember how birds clean crocodiles' teeth in the Nile,
  • 大自然并不只有尖牙利爪的血腥。我记得尼罗河上的鸟给鳄鱼清洁牙齿。
  • and the orphaned animals and birds in the Siberian forests who are adopted into the dens and nests of other creatures even other species as Kropotkin witnessed.
  • Kropotkin说,在西伯利亚的丛林里,失沽的幼兽和幼鸟会被同类甚至异类收养。
  • And I suddenly pray to God not asking for anything, just to thank him for the wonder of waking up in spring which the rabbis called the little resurrection.
  • 我突然很想向上帝祷告,我无所求,只是想感谢他创造了春天万物苏醒的神奇,拉比称之为复活。


In the front gardens, even in the rain, I notice the first signs of spring and the greyness of winter giving way to small yellow white and purple flowers. Spring is rising in all the animals which include us humans. So we smile good mornings to our neighbours and put out food for our fellow creatures. I try to save some small spiders whove climbed up the water pipes into my bath. I manoeuvre them with my flannel out of the danger zone and put nourishing cake crumbs before them, which terrifies them! Nature isn't always red in tooth and claw. I remember how birds clean crocodiles' teeth in the Nile, and the orphaned animals and birds in the Siberian forests who are adopted into the dens and nests of other creatures even other species as Kropotkin witnessed. And I suddenly pray to God not asking for anything, just to thank him for the wonder of waking up in spring which the rabbis called the little resurrection.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

claw [klɔ:]


n. 爪,钳,螯,爪状物
v. 抓,撕





