One morning as Cam left the radio station, he saw a young man sitting in an old yellow Dodge in the parking lot Cam waved to him and drove away. When he went back to work that night, he noticed the car again, parked in the same space. After a couple of days, it dawned on him that this car had not moved, The fellow in it always waved cordially to him as he came and went. What was he doing sittting in his car for three days, in the terrible cold?
Cam discovered the answer the next morning. This time as he walked near the car, the man rolled his window down. "He introduced himself and said he had been in his car for days with no money or food," Cam recalled,"He had driven to Fort Worth from out of town to take a job, but he arrived three days early and couldn't go to work right away.
"Then, very reluctantly, he asked if he might borrow a dollar for a snack to get him by until the next day, when he would start work and get a salary advance, I didn't have a dollar to lend him; I barely had gas to get home. I explained my situation and walked to my car, wishing I could have helped him."