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- I have always felt sympathy and compassion for the kids I see at school walking all alone,
- 我一直对我看见的那些孩子保持同情和怜悯,在学校一个人孤零零走在路上的孩子,
- for the ones that sit in the back of the room while everyone snickers and makes fun of them.
- 那些坐在教室最后面且被别人嘲笑和捉弄的孩子。
- But I never did anything about it.
- 但我从来没有坐过类似的事。
- I guess I figured that someone else would.
- 但我想肯定有人做过这样的事。
- I did not take the time to really think about the depth of their pain.
- 我其实没有花时间去认真思考他们的痛苦。
- Then one day I thought,
- 然后有一天,我想,
- what if I did take a moment out of my busy schedule to simply say hello to someone without a friend or stop and chat with someone eating by herself?
- 如果我从我很忙的日程表里找出一点时间,仅仅对没有朋友的人简单地说声“你好”,或者停下来对自己独自吃饭的人聊会天会怎么样呢?
- And I did. It felt good to brighten up someone else's life.
- 于是我真得这样做了。给别人的生活带去一点光亮让我感觉很好。
- How did I know I did?
- 我怎么知道我做到了呢?
- Because I remembered the day a simple kind hello changed my life forever.
- 因为我记得有一天一个简单的问候永远地改变了我的生活。
I have always felt sympathy and compassion for the kids I see at school walking all alone, for the ones that sit in the back of the room while everyone snickers and makes fun of them.
But I never did anything about it. I guess I figured that someone else would.
I did not take the time to really think about the depth of their pain.

Then one day I thought, what if I did take a moment out of my busy schedule to simply say hello to someone without a friend or stop and chat with someone eating by herself?
And I did. It felt good to brighten up someone else's life.
Because I remembered the day a simple kind hello changed my life forever.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201511/411515.shtml
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单词compassion 联想记忆: com共同,passion(n 感情)-引起共同感情-同情
单词sympathy 联想记忆: sym共同+pathy感情→共同感情→同情,怜悯