Will it hurt?The truth? Yes.A little bit more.
会疼吗 说实话 是的 再蜷起来一些
That's good. Now, hold. Hold still.
很好 别动 一动别动
That's might be a little bit more uncomfortable.
你多大了 史蒂芬 我二十一 你多大了 我可比你大
How much older?I'm thirty-three.What did you do? Oh no, wait, let me guess.
大多少 我三十三了 你是做什么的 等等 我来猜猜
Um... insurance sales man? Or banking maybe?
保险推销员 还是银行业的
I am a, I'm a cosmologist.Oh, good for you.
我...我是宇宙学家 那不赖啊
Just start my PhD,or rather just start to think about what my Ph.D might be.
才开始攻读博士 应该说是才开始考虑读什么博士
Now it'll take about five minutes.Sometimes it helps, too,
这个过程大概要五分钟 有时候说些别的事
to talk about something completely different.
To take your mind off all this,
and then your time suspend in space will pass more quickly.
Time and space don't exist independently of each other.
Isn't that so?Or the universe.Really?
是嘛 宇宙也不是独立的 真的
Matter and energy in the universe.
Open or stop spacetime.Spacetime is curved.
打开或关闭空间和时间 空间和时间是弯曲的