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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi,everybody.
  • 各位好!
  • Today,there are 2.2 million people behind bars in America and millions more on parole or probation.
  • 当今的美国监狱里关押着220万人,还有数百万假释和缓刑人员。
  • Every year,we spend $80 billion in taxpayer dollars to keep people incarcerated.
  • 每一年,我们要花销800亿纳税人的钱来维持监狱的正常运行。
  • Many are non-violent offenders serving unnecessarily long sentences.
  • 有很多非暴力的犯罪分子却被判了很长的刑期,这是不必要的。
  • I believe we can disrupt the pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails.
  • 我相信我们可以打破把人从缺少资金支持的学校送进人满为患的监狱的现状。
  • I believe we can address the disparities in the application of criminal justice,from arrest rates to sentencing to incarceration.
  • 我相信我们可以解决司法过程中的种种不公,例如抓捕率、判刑年限等。
  • And I believe we can help those who have served their time and earned a second chance get the support they need to become productive members of society.
  • 我相信我们可以帮助那些刑满释放赢得人生第二次机会的人们,让他们得到必要的扶持,成为对社会有用的人。
  • That's why over the course of this year,
  • 因此,过去的这一年,
  • I've been talking to folks around the country about reforming our criminal justice system to make it smarter,fairer,and more effective.
  • 我一直在全国各地谈论要改革我们的司法体系,让这一体系更合理、更公平、更高效。
  • In February,I sat down in the Oval Office with police officers from around the country.
  • 今年二月,我在总统办公室与来自全国各地的警察们围坐一起。
  • In the spring,I met with police officers and young people in Camden,New Jersey,where they're using community policing and data to drive down crime.
  • 这个春天,我会见了新泽西州卡姆登的警察和年轻人,他们在用社区警务手段和相关数据降低犯罪率。
  • Over the summer,I visited a prison in Oklahoma to talk with inmates and corrections officers about rehabilitating prisoners,and preventing more people from ending up there in the first place.
  • 夏天里,我视察了俄克拉荷马的一所监狱,与狱友和狱警们一起交流如何改造犯人,以及如何在第一时间防止人们被关进监狱。
  • Two weeks ago,I visited West Virginia to meet with families battling prescription drug and heroin abuse,as well as people who are working on new solutions for treatment and rehabilitation.
  • 两周前,我到访西弗吉尼亚,与众多跟处方药和海洛因滥用进行斗争的家庭交流,那里的人们在采用新的方法接受治疗,戒掉毒瘾。
  • Last week,I traveled to Chicago to thank police chiefs from across the country for all that their officers do to protect Americans,to make sure they've got the resources to get the job done,
  • 上周,我在芝加哥与来自全国各地的警察官们相聚,感谢他们以及所有警察为保护美国的安全做出的贡献,保证他们有资源去完成他们的任务,
  • and to call for commonsense gun safety reforms that would make officers and their communities safer.
  • 并呼吁进行基本的枪支安全改革,让警察的工作更安全,让我们的社会更安全。
  • And we know that having millions of people in the criminal justice system,without any ability to find a job after release,is unsustainable.
  • 我们都知道,数百万在监狱关押过的人,获释后没有什么能力找到一份工作,这是不可持续的。
  • It's bad for communities and it's bad for our economy.
  • 这对我们的社会不利,对我们的经济发展不利。
  • So on Monday,I'll travel to Newark,New Jersey to highlight efforts to help Americans who've paid their debt to society reintegrate back into their communities.
  • 下周一,我要去新泽西州的纽华克,重点讲讲如何帮助那些已经接受监狱改造重新做人的人融入社会。
  • Everyone has a role to play,from businesses that are hiring ex-offenders to philanthropies that are supporting education and training programs.
  • 每个人都有自己的一份责任,企业可以雇佣以前犯过罪的人,慈善机构可以为他们提供培训和教育。
  • And I'll keep working with people in both parties to get criminal justice reform bills to my desk,including a bipartisan bill that would reduce mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenders and reward prisoners with shorter sentences if they complete programs that make them less likely to commit a repeat offense.
  • 我将继续与两党人士共同努力,尽快把司法改革法案送到我手头,这一法案包括两党的共同提议,降低对非暴力毒品罪犯的最低强制关押时间,对完成改造任务,表现良好的犯人进行缩短刑期的奖励,确保他们不会再次犯罪。
  • There's a reason that good people across the country are coming together to reform our criminal justice system.
  • 为什么全国各地的有心人士都来帮助我们进行司法体系改革。
  • Because it's not about politics.It's about whether we as a nation live up to our founding ideal of liberty and justice for all.
  • 因为这不仅仅是一个政治问题。更是关系到我们国家能否称得上是以自由、公正为立国之基的问题,
  • And working together,we can make sure that we do.
  • 让我们团结起来,我们可以做好我们应该做的事情。
  • Thanks,everybody.Have a great weekend.
  • 谢谢大家,祝你们周末愉快。
  • And have a safe and Happy Halloween.
  • 祝你们度过一个快乐祥和的万圣节。


Hi,everybody.Today,there are 2.2 million people behind bars in America and millions more on parole or probation.Every year,we spend $80 billion in taxpayer dollars to keep people incarcerated.Many are non-violent offenders serving unnecessarily long sentences.


I believe we can disrupt the pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails.I believe we can address the disparities in the application of criminal justice,from arrest rates to sentencing to incarceration.And I believe we can help those who have served their time and earned a second chance get the support they need to become productive members of society.


That's why over the course of this year,I've been talking to folks around the country about reforming our criminal justice system to make it smarter,fairer,and more effective.


In February,I sat down in the Oval Office with police officers from around the country.In the spring,I met with police officers and young people in Camden,New Jersey,where they're using community policing and data to drive down crime.Over the summer,I visited a prison in Oklahoma to talk with inmates and corrections officers about rehabilitating prisoners,and preventing more people from ending up there in the first place.Two weeks ago,I visited West Virginia to meet with families battling prescription drug and heroin abuse,as well as people who are working on new solutions for treatment and rehabilitation.Last week,I traveled to Chicago to thank police chiefs from across the country for all that their officers do to protect Americans,to make sure they've got the resources to get the job done,and to call for commonsense gun safety reforms that would make officers and their communities safer.


And we know that having millions of people in the criminal justice system,without any ability to find a job after release,is unsustainable.It's bad for communities and it's bad for our economy.


So on Monday,I'll travel to Newark,New Jersey to highlight efforts to help Americans who've paid their debt to society reintegrate back into their communities.Everyone has a role to play,from businesses that are hiring ex-offenders to philanthropies that are supporting education and training programs.And I'll keep working with people in both parties to get criminal justice reform bills to my desk,including a bipartisan bill that would reduce mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenders and reward prisoners with shorter sentences if they complete programs that make them less likely to commit a repeat offense.


There's a reason that good people across the country are coming together to reform our criminal justice system.Because it's not about politics.It's about whether we as a nation live up to our founding ideal of liberty and justice for all.And working together,we can make sure that we do.


Thanks,everybody.Have a great weekend.And have a safe and Happy Halloween.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
offense [ə'fens]


n. 过错,冒犯,触怒,犯规,犯罪,进攻

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

rehabilitation [.ri:hə.bili'teiʃən]


n. 复原

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

productive [prə'dʌktiv]


adj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良





