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  • Hi,everybody.Our country is home to some of the most beautiful God-given landscapes in the world.
  • 大家好!我们的国家是上帝赐予人类最美丽的家园之一。
  • We're blessed with natural treasures-from the Grand Tetons to the Grand Canyon;
  • 这里风景优美物产丰饶,有大蒂顿山、大峡谷;
  • from lush forests and vast deserts to lakes and rivers teeming with wildlife.
  • 有茂密的森林无垠的沙漠也有大江和湖泊,野生动物种类繁多。
  • And it's our responsibility to protect these treasures for future generations,just as previous generations protected them for us.
  • 我们有责任为子孙后代保护好这些珍贵的资源,如同我们的前辈们为我们所做的一样。
  • Since taking office,I've set aside more than 260 million acres of public lands and waters-more than any President in history.
  • 自我主政以来,我已经保留出2.6亿英亩的公共用地和水域,这一面积比历史上任何一位总统的都多。
  • Last month,we announced that 11 states had come together with ranchers,and industry groups to protect a threatened species-the sage grouse-without jeopardizing local economies.
  • 上个月,11个州的牧场主、工业企业一起宣布共同保护濒危物种—艾草松鸡,这样的行动并没有对当地经济造成影响。
  • Two weeks ago,we announced that we're creating one new marine sanctuary on the Potomac River in Maryland,
  • 两周前,我们宣布在马里兰的波托马克河,威斯康辛州的密歇根湖沿线建立新的水域自然保护区,
  • and another along Lake Michigan in Wisconsin-part of unprecedented efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay and the Great Lakes.
  • 以前所未有的力度保护切萨皮克湾和大湖区的生态。
  • We also joined a coalition of countries cracking down on illegal fishing that threatens jobs and food security around the globe.
  • 我们还与其它国家一起共同打击全球各地的非法捕鱼等威胁生态和食品安全的行为。
  • And I'm going to keep protecting the places that make America special,and the livelihoods of those who depend on them.
  • 我将继续保护我们的家园,因为正是这些地方让美国与众不同,而这也是很多人赖以生存的地方。
  • We'll also keep doing what we can to prevent the worst effects of climate change before it's too late.
  • 我们还将继续尽一切努力抢在事情变得不可收拾之前阻止气候进一步变暖。
  • Over the past six years,we've led by example,generating more clean energy and lowering our carbon emissions.
  • 过去的六年里,我们做出了表率,生产了更多的清洁能源,减少了碳排放。
  • Our businesses have stepped up in a big way,including just this past week.
  • 我们的企业也紧跟时代潮流,最近的一个星期,
  • Some of our biggest companies made new commitments to act on climate-not just because it's good for the planet,but because it's good for their bottom line.
  • 一些大型企业也做出了应对气候变化的新承诺,这不仅仅是因为这么做对地球好,更因为这对企业发展有好处。
  • This is how America is leading on the environment.
  • 这就是美国在引领世界在保护环境上所做的工作。
  • And because America is leading by example,150 countries,representing over 85% of global emissions,have now laid out plans to reduce their levels of the harmful carbon pollution that warms our planet.
  • 因为美国的示范作用,排放量占全球总量85%的150多个国家都纷纷制定了各自减少有害碳排放污染物的计划。
  • And it gives us great momentum going into Paris this December,where the world needs to come together and build on these individual commitments with an ambitious,long-term agreement to protect this Earth for our kids.
  • 这也让我们在12月份参加巴黎会议时有更大的动力,全世界都需要团结起来,在各国做出承诺的基础上,制定出更加宏伟、长期的协议,为我们的子孙后代计,保护好我们的地球。
  • Now Congress has to do its job.
  • 现在,国会也要做好自己的工作。
  • This month,even as Republicans in Congress barely managed to keep our government open,they shut down something called the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
  • 这个月,国会的共和党人差点让政府关门,此外,他们还封停了陆地和水域保护基金。
  • For more than half a century,this fund has protected more than 5 million acres of land-from playgrounds to parks to priceless landscapes-all without costing taxpayers a dime.
  • 半个多世纪以来,这个基金会保护了500多万英亩的土地,有运动场、公园,还有很多无价的土地,所有这些工作没有花纳税人一分钱。
  • Nearly every single county in America has benefited from this program.
  • 美国几乎每一个郡县都从这个项目中受益过。
  • It has bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate.
  • 这个项目有参众两院两党的共同支持。
  • Republicans in Congress should reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund without delay.
  • 国会的共和党人应该对这一项目重新授权,马上为陆地和水域保护基金提供全面资金支持,不要拖延。
  • After all,as Pope Francis reminds us so eloquently,this planet is a gift from God-and our common home.
  • 请记住,方济各教皇曾意味深长的说过:这个星球是上帝给人类的礼物,是我们共同的家园。
  • We should leave it to our kids in better shape than we found it.
  • 我们应该保护好她,把更好的她转交给我们的后代。
  • Thanks,and have a great weekend.
  • 谢谢大家!祝周末愉快!


Hi,everybody.Our country is home to some of the most beautiful God-given landscapes in the world.We're blessed with natural treasures-from the Grand Tetons to the Grand Canyon; from lush forests and vast deserts to lakes and rivers teeming with wildlife.And it's our responsibility to protect these treasures for future generations,just as previous generations protected them for us.

Since taking office,I've set aside more than 260 million acres of public lands and waters-more than any President in history.Last month,we announced that 11 states had come together with ranchers,and industry groups to protect a threatened species-the sage grouse-without jeopardizing local economies.Two weeks ago,we announced that we're creating one new marine sanctuary on the Potomac River in Maryland,and another along Lake Michigan in Wisconsin-part of unprecedented efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay and the Great Lakes.We also joined a coalition of countries cracking down on illegal fishing that threatens jobs and food security around the globe. And I'm going to keep protecting the places that make America special,and the livelihoods of those who depend on them.
We'll also keep doing what we can to prevent the worst effects of climate change before it's too late.Over the past six years,we've led by example,generating more clean energy and lowering our carbon emissions.Our businesses have stepped up in a big way,including just this past week.Some of our biggest companies made new commitments to act on climate-not just because it's good for the planet,but because it's good for their bottom line.
This is how America is leading on the environment.And because America is leading by example,150 countries,representing over 85% of global emissions,have now laid out plans to reduce their levels of the harmful carbon pollution that warms our planet.And it gives us great momentum going into Paris this December,where the world needs to come together and build on these individual commitments with an ambitious,long-term agreement to protect this Earth for our kids.
Now Congress has to do its job.This month,even as Republicans in Congress barely managed to keep our government open,they shut down something called the Land and Water Conservation Fund.For more than half a century,this fund has protected more than 5 million acres of land-from playgrounds to parks to priceless landscapes-all without costing taxpayers a dime.Nearly every single county in America has benefited from this program.It has bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate.Republicans in Congress should reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund without delay.
After all,as Pope Francis reminds us so eloquently,this planet is a gift from God-and our common home.We should leave it to our kids in better shape than we found it.
Thanks,and have a great weekend.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
delay [di'lei]


v. 耽搁,推迟,延误
n. 耽搁,推迟,延期

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

lush [lʌʃ]


adj. 苍翠繁茂的,多青草的,丰富的 n. 酒,酒鬼

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

momentum [məu'mentəm]


n. 动力,要素,势头,(物理)动量

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星





