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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hi,everybody.Yesterday,we learned that our businesses created another 118,000 new jobs in September.
  • 大家好!昨天,有消息显示9月份我们的企业共创造11.8万个就业岗位。
  • That makes 67 straight months of job creation,and 13.2 million new jobs in all.
  • 这是第67个月就业连续增长,新增的就业岗位总数达到1320万个。
  • But we would be doing even better if we didn't have to keep dealing with crises in Congress every few months.
  • 但如果我们不用每隔几个月就要处理国会制造的危机和问题的话,我们取得的成就要比这些大得多。
  • And especially at a time when the global economy is softening,our own growth could slow if Congress doesn't do away with harmful austerity measures.
  • 尤其是在全球经济发展疲软的当下,如果国会不能摒弃有害的支出缩减措施,我们的经济增长就会放缓。
  • Now,on Wednesday,more than half of Republicans in Congress voted to shut down the government for the second time in two years.
  • 上周三,一多半的共和党议员投票同意让政府在两年内第二次关门。
  • Fortunately,there were enough votes in both parties to pass a last-minute bill to keep the government open for another ten weeks.
  • 幸运的是,国会两党还是有足够的票数在最后时刻通过一份法案,让政府继续维持运转10个星期。
  • Unfortunately,that gimmick only sets up another shutdown threat two weeks before Christmas.
  • 不幸的是,这种伎俩还是会让政府在圣诞节前两周面临又一次的关门威胁。
  • Look,that's not the way America should operate.
  • 这可不是美国应该有的处事方式。
  • It just kicks the can down the road without solving any problems or doing any long-term planning for the future.
  • 这是破罐子破摔的行为,根本不解决任何问题,也没有为未来做任何长远的打算。
  • And that's why I will not sign another shortsighted,short-term spending bill like the one Congress sent me this week.
  • 因此,未来我绝对不会签署像国会本周送来的这种短视的、只着眼短期支出的预算方案。
  • Here's why.A few years ago,both parties agreed to put in place harmful,automatic cuts that make no distinction between spending we don't need and spending we do.
  • 为什么会出现这种情况呢。几年前,两党同意实施这种伤害性的自动减支计划,完全不区分哪些钱是不必要支出的,哪些是必须要支出的。
  • Those cuts have actually kept our economy from growing faster.
  • 这种削减政策让我们的经济发展速度受限。
  • Even worse,they're actually undermining the middle class.
  • 更严重的是,这种政策侵害了中产阶级的地位。
  • Here's one example.
  • 打个比方来说。
  • If we don't undo these mindless cuts,then next year,we'll be funding our kids' education at the same levels per pupil we did in the year 2000.Compared to my budget,
  • 如果我们非得采取这种毫无差别的支出削减计划,那么明年,我们在儿童教育上进行资金投入,对每个学生的投入仅相当于2000年的水平。
  • that would be like cutting federal funding for 4,500 schools,17,500 teachers and aides,1.9 million students.
  • 而与我提出的预算方案相比,这相当于砍掉了4500所学校,1.75万名教职员工以及190万名学生的联邦预算投入。
  • That's not good for our kids or our economy.
  • 这对孩子们的未来和经济发展都没有好处。
  • It's a prescription for American decline.
  • 这剂药方将导致美国衰退。
  • And it shouldn't happen.
  • 这种情况不能出现。
  • We should invest in things like education today,or we'll pay the price tomorrow.
  • 我们今天应该在教育等领域加大投入,否则明天我们将为此付出代价。
  • Congress should do its job,stop kicking the can down the road,and pass a serious budget rather than flirt with another shutdown.
  • 国会应该做好自己的工作,停止破罐子破摔的行为,通过一份严谨的预算方案,而不是挑起另一次的政府关门事件。
  • A serious budget is one that keeps America strong through our military,our law enforcement;
  • 这份严谨的预算要为我们的军队、执法人员提供资金,让美国保持强大;
  • that keeps America generous through caring for our veterans and our seniors;
  • 要为我们的退伍军人和老人提供照料,让美国慷慨如往;
  • that keeps America competitive by educating our kids and our workers.
  • 为我们的孩子和工人提供教育培训,让美国保持竞争力。
  • That's what I want to work with serious people in both parties to achieve.
  • 这是我希望与国会两党有责任的议员们一起完成的任务。
  • Because that's how we'll build on the progress of 13 million new jobs,and help the middle class get ahead.
  • 因为只有这样,我们才能在取得1300万就业岗位的基础上再创佳绩,帮助中产阶级取得成功。
  • Thanks everybody,and have a great weekend.
  • 谢谢大家!祝大家周末愉快!


Hi,everybody.Yesterday,we learned that our businesses created another 118,000 new jobs in September.That makes 67 straight months of job creation,and 13.2 million new jobs in all.

But we would be doing even better if we didn't have to keep dealing with crises in Congress every few months.And especially at a time when the global economy is softening,our own growth could slow if Congress doesn't do away with harmful austerity measures.
Now,on Wednesday,more than half of Republicans in Congress voted to shut down the government for the second time in two years.Fortunately,there were enough votes in both parties to pass a last-minute bill to keep the government open for another ten weeks.Unfortunately,that gimmick only sets up another shutdown threat two weeks before Christmas.
Look,that's not the way America should operate.It just kicks the can down the road without solving any problems or doing any long-term planning for the future.And that's why I will not sign another shortsighted,short-term spending bill like the one Congress sent me this week.
Here's why.A few years ago,both parties agreed to put in place harmful,automatic cuts that make no distinction between spending we don't need and spending we do.Those cuts have actually kept our economy from growing faster.Even worse,they're actually undermining the middle class.
Here's one example.If we don't undo these mindless cuts,then next year,we'll be funding our kids' education at the same levels per pupil we did in the year 2000.Compared to my budget,that would be like cutting federal funding for 4,500 schools,17,500 teachers and aides,1.9 million students.
That's not good for our kids or our economy.It's a prescription for American decline.And it shouldn't happen.We should invest in things like education today,or we'll pay the price tomorrow.
Congress should do its job,stop kicking the can down the road,and pass a serious budget rather than flirt with another shutdown.A serious budget is one that keeps America strong through our military,our law enforcement; that keeps America generous through caring for our veterans and our seniors; that keeps America competitive by educating our kids and our workers.
That's what I want to work with serious people in both parties to achieve.Because that's how we'll build on the progress of 13 million new jobs,and help the middle class get ahead.
Thanks everybody,and have a great weekend.

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prescription [pris'kripʃən]


n. 药方,对策,开处方

mindless ['maindlis]


adj. 不小心的,不留神的,不顾虑的

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

flirt [flə:t]


n. 卖弄风骚的人,调情的人 vi. 掠过,轻率对待,调

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

gimmick ['gimik]


n. 暗机关,小发明,花招,噱头 vt. 用暗机关改变或

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

achieve [ə'tʃi:v]


v. 完成,达到,实现





