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This map gives a picture of the population in the different states of the United States of America in 2000.
The scale of the map is the same as that used for Europe on Page: 9.
If you look at the two you will see that the U.S.A. is not much smaller than all of Europe.
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Which are the countries with the most people in them?
China,India,the U.S.A and Indonesia all have populations of over two hundred million.
Some countries have less room in them than these four, but these have the greatest populations.
It is not good for a country if it does not have enough room for all its people.
A person who does not have enough room to live in may not be able to keep well.
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The population of the earth has increased more than the amount of food.
There is a great need for more food.
More than a billion people on the earth today need more food than they can get.
They can not get enough food to keep them well and strong.
The relation between amount of food and size of population has been changing.
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There were more than twice as many people in the word in the year 1900 as in 1700.
There were more than twice as many in 2000 as in 1900.
Will the population of the world go on increasing?
Look at the curve in this picture.
The increase since 2000 makes it look that way.
The world population in 2004 was 6,396,000,000.
In the last four years the increase has been almost 300,000,000.
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There were over six billion one hundred million(6,100,000,000) people in 2000.
Over one billion of them could not get as much food as they needed.
Many of them because of this are not healthy.
There are some people everywhere who take more food than is good for them.
but many more get less than they need.
People are asking one another what the world population will be in 2050 if it goes on increasing like this.
It will be very great.
It will be much greater in some parts of the world than in others.
Some people say it will be between nine and ten billion,and some that it may be as much as twenty billion.
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Over half a billion people on earth today live in cities.
Some cities have many more people in them than some countries have.
There are over one hundred cities in the world which have over two million people in them.
Cities have been increasing in size in our time.
Before the twentieth century it was hard for the people in a great city to get enough food.
On the next Page: you will see the names of twenty cities in the world with more than three million people in each.
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Cities of the world with population of over eleven million in 2004.
1.Tokyo (Japan) 29,900,000
2.Mexico City (Mexico) 27,800,000
3.Sao Paulo (Brazil) 25,300,000
4.Seoul (South Korea) 21,900,000
5.Shanghai (China) 17,000,000
6.New York (United States) 16,300,000
7.Bombay (India) 15,300,000
8.Beijing (China) 14,600,000
9.Los Angeles (United States) 14,300,000
10.Osaka (Japan) 14,300,000
11.Tehran (Iran) 14,200,000
12.Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 14,100,000
13.Calcutta (India) 14,100,000
14.Buenos Aires (Argentina) 12,900,000
15.Manila (Philippines) 12,800,000
16.Jakarta (Indonesia) 12,800,000
17.Lagos (Nigeria) 12,500,000
18.Cairo (Egypt) 12,500,000
19.Delhi (India) 11,800,000
20.Karachi (Pakistan) 11,300,000
Today more than half the population of the world is made up of people living in great cities.
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This city has great buildings, some of which have machines in them for doing many sorts of work by steam or electric power.
These are factories.
One of them is a factory where furniture is made.
In it workers make tables and chairs in great numbers.
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We are living at a time when machines do work which workers used to do.
Now materials and things of all sorts can be transported long distances quickly.
It transport lines are very important to any great city.
Materials such as iron, which is mined from the earth in some places,
and steel, which is make from iron, are used to make machines.
Iron and steel are metals.
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It is only in the last two centuries the great numbers of people have been able to live far from their food supply,
with thousands of people in one place doing the same sort of work.
High buildings like those pictured on the next Page: are being put up in more and more great cities today in greater and greater numbers.
They are apartment houses, which sometimes have hundreds of different families living under one roof.
There may be as many as twenty or thirty floors in one apartment house,
with homes for fifteen or twenty families on a floor.