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- He was already thinking about leaving.
- 他已经想要离开了。
- He had just moved in.
- 他才刚刚住进来。
- He and his girlfriend were living together.
- 他和他的女朋友住在一起。
- They were living together for the first time.
- 这是他们第一次住在一起。
- But it wasn't all lovey-dovey.
- 但这并不那么浪漫。
- They argued a lot.
- 他们总是争吵。
- She said he was a slob.
- 她说他是一个粗俗不堪的人。
- "You're a slob," she said.
- 她说:“你真是太粗俗了”。
- She said he was lazy.
- 她说他很懒惰。
- "You're lazy," she said.
- 她说:“你真是太懒了。”
- I moved here for this, he wondered.
- 他想着,我搬进来是为了这个。
- But he wasn't a dog.
- 但是他不是一条狗。
- She yelled at him like he was a dog.
- 她把他看成一只狗向他咆哮。
- "Don't yell at me," he said. "I'm not a dog."
- 他说:“不要冲我嚷,我不是一只狗。”
- When he tried to hug her, she pushed him away.
- 当他想去抱住她时,她把他推开了。
- Who needs this, he wondered.
- 他想谁需要这些,
- I'd rather be by myself, he thought.
- 我应该更自我一些。
- He decided to wait a while.
- 他决定等一等。
- Maybe things would get better.
- 或许事情会有所好转。
- But if they didn't, he was leaving.
- 但是,如果事情没有好转的话,他就要离开。
- "If you don't change, I'm leaving you," she told him.
- 她对他说:“如果你不改变的话,我就要离开你。”
- Ha, he thought, we'll see who leaves who first.
- 他想,哈,我们看看到底谁先离开谁。
He was already thinking about leaving. He had just moved in. He and his girlfriend were living together. They were living together for the first time. But it wasn't all lovey-dovey. They argued a lot. She said he was a slob. "You're a slob," she said. She said he was lazy. "You're lazy," she said. I moved here for this, he wondered. He loved her. But he wasn't a dog. She yelled at him like he was a dog. "Don't yell at me," he said. "I'm not a dog." When he tried to hug her, she pushed him away. Who needs this, he wondered. I'd rather be by myself, he thought. He decided to wait a while. Maybe things would get better. But if they didn't, he was leaving. "If you don't change, I'm leaving you," she told him. Ha, he thought, we'll see who leaves who first.

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201508/389804.shtml