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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第9期:page58-page63

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 58

Who is this?

He is John Smith.

His name is John Smith.

Where is John smith?

He is at the door of his house.

He has his hand in his pocket.

He is taking a key from his pocket.

This is a key.

These are other keys.

Page: 59

He will put the key in the lock of the door.

He is putting the key in the lock.

He is giving a turn to the key.

He is giving a push to the door.

The door is open now.

Page: 60

John took the key from the lock.

He is putting it in his pocket.

He will go into his house.

He is going into the house.

He went into the house.

He is in the house.

The door is shut.

This is a room in the house.

Is John in the room?

No,he is not.

He will come into the room.

Page: 61

He is coming into the room.

He will go to the table.

Mr.Smith came into the room.

He went to the table.

Is Ms.Smith in the room?

No,she is not.

She is in the house.

But she is not in the room.

She is in the another room in the house.

Who is this?

This is Mary.Smith.

She is Ms.Smith.

Her name is Mary Smith.

Page: 62

This is one of the doors of the room.

This is the other door.

This is one of the windows of the room.

This is another window.

And this is another window.

One window is open.

The other windows are shut.

This is one of my hands.

It is my left hand.

This is my other hand.

It is my right hand.

This is one of my fingers.

This is my left thumb.

These are the other fingers of my left hand.

Page: 63

Ms.Smith is not in the room.

She went out of the room.

She went through this door.

Mr.Smith is in the room.

He came into the room.

He came through this door.

Mr.Smith is putting his hat on the table.

He will go out of the room through this door.

He put his hat on the table.

It is on the table now.

He went out of the room through this door.




