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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第1册第8期:page52-page55

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page: 52


a. Where is the dog?

The dog is in the room.

b. Where is the dog?

The dog is at the door.

c. Where is the dog?

The dog is at the window.

d. Where is the dog?

The dog is under the chair.

e. Where is the dog?

The dog is under the table.

f. where is the dog?

The dog is on the table.

g. Where is the dog?

The dog is between the chair and the table.

h. Where is the dog?

The dog is on the chair.

Page: 53


a. What do you see?

I see a clock.

b. What do you see?

I see a man.

c. What do you see?

I see a woman.

d. What do you see?

I see a baby.

e. What do you see?

I see two books.

f. What do you see?

I see two girls and a book.

g. What do you see?

I see two babies.

h. What do you see?

I see a chest of drawers.

Page: 54


a. What is he saying?

He is saying,“These are my ears.”

b. What is he saying?

He is saying,“This is my mouth.”

c. What is he saying?

He is saying,"these are my eyes."

d. What is he saying?

He is saying, "this is my thumb."

e. What is he saying?

He is saying,"this finger is between these fingers."

f. What is he saying?

He is saying,"this is my nose."

g. What is he saying?

He is saying,"this is my hair."

h. What is he saying?

He is saying,"this is my head."

Page: 55


a. What do you see?

I see a boy and a girl.

They are at a window.

b. What do you see?

I see a clock on the table.

The time is four.

c. What do you see?

I see a room.

It has two seats in it.

It has two windows and a door.

One of the windows is open.

The other window is shut.

The door of the room is open.

A picture is on the wall.

d. What do you see?

I see a man.

He has his finger on his chin.

One of his eyes is open.

The other eye is shut.

His mouth is shut.

He has no hair on his head.




