The computer might appear to be a dehumanizing factor, but the opposite is in fact true.
It is already leading the consumer society away from the mass-produced homogeneity of the assembly line.
The chip will make it possible some day to have shoes and clothes made to order-the production commanded and directed by computer-within minutes.
The custom-made object, now restricted to the rich, will be within everyone's reach.
In no area of American life is personal service so precious as in medical care.
Here, too, the computer has be-come a humanizing factor;
the patient tends to give a more candid account of his symptoms, and medical history to a machine programmed to ask the proper preliminary questions than to a harassed regimen and possibly intimidating doctor.
At a few hospitals, computers are programmed not only to remind the pharmacy department to prepare prescriptions
but also to alert nurses to give the proper dosage at the right time.
Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile. Computer technology may make the car, as we know it, a Smithsonian antique.
In addition to the microprocessors under the hood that will help the auto operate more efficiently,
tiny computers will ease tensions and make life simpler for the drive and passengers too.
Ford Motor Co. now offers buyers of its Continental Mark Vs an option called miles to empty.
At the push of a button, the driver can get a read-out on the amount of fuel in the tank, and the number of miles he can expect to go (at current speed) before a refill is necessary.