5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long
Five Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long
Most of us work long hours: 40, 50, or even 60 hours each week, but chances are we are only churning out high-quality work a portion of each day. There are five practical steps to incorporate into any morning routine to maintain productivity all day long.
我们大多数人工作时间长:每星期工作 40、50,甚至 60 个小时,但可能我们只在每天的一部分时间中产出高品质的成果。这有五个能加进任何早晨例行公事的实用步骤,好能一整天维持生产力。
One: Seven minutes of exercise. Seven minutes is short enough that it won't impact the rest of your morning, but long enough to shake off sluggishness.
Two: Start your day out green. Healthy juicing is cheap and easy, and requires less time in the morning than toasting a bagel and slathering it with cream cheese, and is much healthier for you.

Three: Pick three wins for the day. While you're waiting for that smoothie, decide on three priorities for the next 12 hours, and when accomplished, will feel like the day was a success. Not every day will be an epic win, but strategizing in this way will help move the ball forward.
三:订出一天中的三项成就。在你等待那杯冰沙的同时,决定接下来 12 小时的三个优先事项,当达成时,会觉得那天好像是场胜利。并非每天都会是场史诗般的胜利,但用这种方式做规划有助让事情进行。
Four: Turn to-do lists into time-bound, effective project lists. For each of the big things on your list, block off the amount of time on your calendar, and then add 33 percent more time just to be sure. If a project is multi-day or has dependencies, break it up into digestible charts. This simple method will help hold you accountable, and help you refocus on the tasks you prioritized when you do get distracted. Too often, we let one distraction steamroll an entire morning.
Five: Power up after lunch. Take the 15 minutes right after lunch to refocus on the day. Get away from your computer, think about how the list you created in the morning is shaping up, and determine what you have on tap for the rest of the day. You'll find that these 15 minutes help you identify what's causing distractions, and will help you discover a rhythm to be productive all day long.