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那些美好而忧伤的美文(MP3+中英字幕) 第55期:天底下最真挚的爱情(上)

来源:可可英语 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The best kind of love-Feiby
  • 天底下最真挚的爱情-菲比
  • I have a friend who is falling in love. She honestly claims the sky is bluer.
  • 我有一个朋友正在热恋中,她发自内心地说,天空都好像更蓝了。
  • Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds and looks like a cover girl.
  • 莫扎特的音乐让她感动涕零。自恋爱以来,她体重已经减了十五磅,现在苗条得活像封面女郎。
  • "I'm young again!" she shouts exuberantly.
  • “我又年轻了!”她欢呼道。
  • As my friend raves on about her new love, I've taken a good look at my old one. My husband of almost 20 years, Scott, has gained 15 pounds.
  • 在我朋友不停地对她的新欢赞不绝口的时候,我好好审视了我的老相好一番。丈夫斯科特和我结婚近二十年,体重增加了十五磅。
  • Once a marathon runner, he now runs only down hospital halls.
  • 以前他是马拉松选手,现在却只是从楼上跑到楼下的医院大厅。
  • His hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars.
  • 他的发线不断后移,从他的体形你就可以看出他经常工作过度,吃太多甜食。
  • Yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and I want to ask for the check and head home.
  • 但在约会的时候,餐桌对面的他仍还能够向我使确定的眼神,然后我会意要结账回家去了。
  • When my friend asked me "What will make this love last?" I ran through all the obvious reasons:
  • 当我的朋友问我“是什么让这份爱延续至今”时,我不假思索地罗列了这些显而易见的因素:
  • commitment, shared interests, unselfishness, physical attraction, communication.
  • 责任感、共同的兴趣、无私、身体吸引力,还有沟通。
  • Yet there's more. We still have fun. Spontaneous good times. Yesterday, after slipping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper,
  • 当然,除了这些其他更多的原因。比如,我们到现在还相处得非常开心,那是生活中简单的幸福。昨天,斯科特把原本捆扎着卷起的报纸的橡皮筋拉下来,
  • Scott flipped it playfully at me: this led to an all-out war.
  • 然后顽皮地把它弹向我,“战争”就此一发不可收拾了;
  • Last Saturday at the grocery, we split the list and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkout first.
  • 上周六在杂货店,我们把购物清单一分为二,比赛看谁先完成购物,先到达收银台者就算胜利。
  • Even washing dishes can be a blast. We enjoy simply being together.
  • 就是一起洗碗的时候我们也可以大斗一翻。只要在一起,我们就能开心不已。
  • And there are surprises. One time I came home to find a note on the front door that led me to another note,
  • 我们常常都给对方惊喜。有一次,我从外面回家,发现前门上贴着一张小纸条,
  • then another, until I reached the walk-in closet.
  • 纸条指引我找到另一张纸条,接着再一张,
  • I opened the door to find Scott holding a "pot of gold" (my cooking kettle) and the "treasure" of a gift package.
  • 最后我走到小储物室,打开门,发现斯科特手里捧着“金罐子”(我的蒸煮锅)和内装着“财富”的大礼包。
  • Sometimes I leave him notes on the mirror and little presents under his pillow.
  • 有时候我也会把给他的纸条贴在镜子上,把小礼物偷偷藏到他的枕头底下。
  • There is understanding. I understand why he must play basketball with the guys.
  • 我们相互理解。我理解为什么他一定要和老朋友打篮球,
  • And he understands why, once a year, I must get away from the house, the kids—and even him-to meet my sisters for a few days of nonstop talking and laughing.
  • 而他也理解为什么我每年都要远离家、抛下孩子甚至他,去与姐妹们参加一次聚会,连续几天,不停地聊啊笑啊。
  • There is sharing. Not only do we share household worries and parental burdens—we also share ideas.
  • 我们共同分享。我们不但分担家庭之忧和作为父母的责任,我们还分享各自的见解。
  • Scott came home from a convention last month and presented me with a thick historical novel.
  • 上月,斯科特参加一个会议,给我带了一本很厚的历史小说回来。
  • Though he prefers thrillers and science fiction, he had read the novel on the plane.
  • 尽管他更喜欢惊栗和科幻小说,他还是在飞机上把那本小说看完了。
  • He touched my heart when he explained it was because he wanted to be able to exchange ideas about the book after I'd read it.
  • 他解释说是为了在我把书看完以后能够相互交换见解。听到这番话时,我的心颤动了。
  • There is forgiveness. When I'm embarrassingly loud and crazy at parties, Scott forgives me.
  • 我们相互谅解。当我在派对上不顾面子,疯狂地喧闹时,斯科特原谅了我;


The best kind of love - Feiby

天底下最真挚的爱情 - 菲比

I have a friend who is falling in love. She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds and looks like a cover girl.

"I'm young again!" she shouts exuberantly.


As my friend raves on about her new love, I've taken a good look at my old one. My husband of almost 20 years, Scott, has gained 15 pounds. Once a marathon runner, he now runs only down hospital halls.

His hairline is receding and his body shows the signs of long working hours and too many candy bars. Yet he can still give me a certain look across a restaurant table and I want to ask for the check and head home.
When my friend asked me "What will make this love last?" I ran through all the obvious reasons: commitment, shared interests, unselfishness, physical attraction, communication.
Yet there's more. We still have fun. Spontaneous good times. Yesterday, after slipping the rubber band off the rolled up newspaper, Scott flipped it playfully at me: this led to an all-out war. Last Saturday at the grocery, we split the list and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkout first.
Even washing dishes can be a blast. We enjoy simply being together.
And there are surprises. One time I came home to find a note on the front door that led me to another note, then another, until I reached the walk-in closet. I opened the door to find Scott holding a "pot of gold" (my cooking kettle) and the "treasure" of a gift package. Sometimes I leave him notes on the mirror and little presents under his pillow.
There is understanding. I understand why he must play basketball with the guys. And he understands why, once a year, I must get away from the house, the kids—and even him-to meet my sisters for a few days of nonstop talking and laughing.
There is sharing. Not only do we share household worries and parental burdens—we also share ideas. Scott came home from a convention last month and presented me with a thick historical novel.
Though he prefers thrillers and science fiction, he had read the novel on the plane. He touched my heart when he explained it was because he wanted to be able to exchange ideas about the book after I'd read it.
There is forgiveness. When I'm embarrassingly loud and crazy at parties, Scott forgives me.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
runner ['rʌnə]


n. 赛跑的人,跑步者

convention [kən'venʃən]


n. 大会,协定,惯例,公约

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

rubber ['rʌbə]


n. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品
adj. 橡胶的

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

spontaneous [spɔn'teiniəs]


adj. 自发的,自然产生的

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





