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美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第37期:扬基人的定居地(3)

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In New Hampshire there are mountains called the White Mountains, and one of these White Mountains, named after our First President, is Mount Washington. It is the highest mountain in this part of the country, and just because it is so high many people like to climb it. Some people are like that. In Vermont, which meansgreen mountain,” there are the Green Mountains, not as high as the White Mountains, but very lovely. All along the New England coast are places where people go to spend the summer, because this part of the country is so cool while the rest of the country is so hot.

But the thing that New England is proudest of is its schools and colleges. In their mills they make Things, in their schools and colleges they make Men. Two of the most noted colleges in the country are in New EnglandYale is in Connecticut and Harvard is in Massachusetts. Harvard is the oldest college in the United States.

Sticking out from Massachusetts like a long, bent finger, as if beckoning to people across the water to come to Massachusetts, is a piece of land called Cape Cod. It was named in honor of the codfish, because codfish are so plentiful in those waters, and they are caught and dried in great quantities and shipped everywhere.

The finger of Cape Cod has beckoned to people of other lands than England. People who speak strange languages have come to New England to work in factories and mills, so that now almost one quarter of the people in New England are not from England; they are not Yankees.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cape [keip]


n. 岬,海角,披肩

plentiful ['plentifəl]


adj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的





