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美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第32期:帝国州(3)

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On one side of Manhattan Island is the Hudson River and on the other side is the East River. A bridge was built across the East River by stretching ropes made of steel from one side of the river to the other and hanging the floor of the bridge from these steel ropes. This is called a suspension bridge. It is called the Brooklyn Bridge because at the other end of it on Long Island is another big city called Brooklyn. Brooklyn is now a part of New York City. Such bridges had been built over small streams before, but this was the first big, long bridge built in this way. It is suspended in the air so high above the water that even the greatest ships easily pass beneath it.

At first people were afraid to cross the Brooklyn Bridge, for, said they, “A bridge hung on ropes, even if made of steel, will fall.” It swayed and shook as trucks and cars rumbled over it, and it still doesbut still hangs. Several other bridges have been built over the East River and the Hudson River to New York City. Also, tunnels have been dug under the Hudson. The tunnels are calledTubesbecause they are like big tubes under the river.

Two of the most famous streets in the World run the length of Manhattan Island and still farther north. One is named Broadway and the other Fifth Avenue. Broadway was at first only a short street, but it seemed very broad, so they called it that. Broadway, however, is now so long that it might better be calledLongway.” One part of it is lighted so brightly at night by thousands of electric lights and flashing electric signs that it is often calledThe Great White Way.” Fifth Avenue is a famous street of once fashionable homes, and many of the finest and most expensive shops are there, so that Fifth Avenue has come to mean Fashion Avenue. The streets of New York are so crowded that most of the people travel from their homes to their work by trains that run in tunnels underground. These underground tunnels are called Subways.

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adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

suspension [səs'penʃən]


n. 悬挂,悬浮液,暂缓,未决,中止

fashionable ['fæʃənəbl]


adj. 流行的,时髦的





