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  • She reciprocated by getting him a hobby kit for grinding a lens and making a camera.
  • 她会帮他弄到一些小工具,让他可以做些打磨镜头、制作相机之类的事情。
  • "I learned more from her than any other teacher, and if it hadn't been for her I'm sure I would have gone to jail."
  • “我从她身上学到的东西比从其他任何老师那儿学到的都要多,如果没有她的话,我一定会坐牢的。”
  • It reinforced, once again, the idea that he was special.
  • 这再一次印证了乔布斯是个特殊的孩子。
  • "In my class, it was just me she cared about. She saw something in me."
  • “在我们班,她只关心我一个人。她在我身上看到了一些东西。”
  • It was not merely intelligence that she saw. Years later she liked to show off a picture of that year's class on Hawaii Day.
  • 她看到的不仅是乔布斯的智慧。多年后,她很喜欢展示当年的班级在“夏威夷日”拍的一张照片。
  • Jobs had shown up without the suggested Hawaiian shirt, but in the picture he is front and center wearing one.
  • 那天乔布斯出现的时候没有按要求穿夏威夷衫,但在照片中,他穿着一件夏威夷衫坐在前排中央。
  • He had, literally, been able to talk the shirt off another kid's back. Near the end of fourth grade, Mrs. Hill had Jobs tested.
  • 原来,他成功说服另一个孩子把自己的衣服脱下来给了他。四年级快结束时,希尔夫人给乔布斯作了测试。
  • "I scored at the high school sophomore level, " he recalled.
  • “我的得分是髙中二年级水平。”他回忆说。
  • Now that it was clear, not only to himself and his parents but also to his teachers, that he was intellectually special,
  • 不光是他自己和他的父母,连老师们也发现了,他在智力上真的是非常特别,
  • the school made the remarkable proposal that he skip two grades and go right into seventh; it would be the easiest way to keep him challenged and stimulated.
  • 学校允许他连跳两级,直接升入七年级。这也是可以让他挑战自我并受到激励最简单的方法了。
  • His parents decided, more sensibly, to have him skip only one grade.
  • 他的父母明智地决定让他只跳一级。
  • The transition was wrenching. He was a socially awkward loner who found himself with kids a year older.
  • 这样一种过渡有些突然。这个有点儿社交障碍的不合群的孩子发现自己身处一群比自己大一岁的人中间。
  • Worse yet, the sixth grade was in a different school, Crittenden Middle.
  • 更糟糕的是,他读六年级的地方是另一所学校:克里滕登中学。
  • It was only eight blocks from Monta Loma Elementary, but in many ways it was a world apart, located in a neighborhood filled with ethnic gangs.
  • 这所学校离原来的蒙塔洛马小学不过八条街之隔,但在很多方面这里就像另一个世界,这所学校地处一个充斥着少数族裔帮派的社区。
  • "Fights were a daily occurrence; as were shakedowns in bathrooms, " wrote the Silicon Valley journalist Michael S. Malone.
  • “打架几乎天天发生,厕所里的敲诈也是如此,”硅谷记者迈克尔S马隆(Michael S.Malone)这样写道,
  • "Knives were regularly brought to school as a show of macho."
  • “学生们经常把刀带到学校来展现自己的男子气概。”
  • Around the time that Jobs arrived, a group of students were jailed for a gang rape,
  • 乔布斯到这里的时候,一群学生刚因为轮奸而被监禁,
  • and the bus of a neighboring school was destroyed after its team beat Crittenden's in a wrestling match.
  • 隔壁学校因为在一场摔跤比赛中打败了克里滕登而导致己方的校车被毁。
  • Jobs was often bullied, and in the middle of seventh grade he gave his parents an ultimatum.
  • 乔布斯经常被欺负,到七年级上到一半的时候,他给父母下达了最后通牒。
  • "I insisted they put me in a different school, " he recalled. Financially this was a tough demand.
  • “我坚持要他们送我去别的学校。”他回忆说。这在经济上对他的父母来说是个艰难的挑战。
  • His parents were barely making ends meet, but by this point there was little doubt that they would eventually bend to his will.
  • 当时他们家勉强能够收支平衡。但那样的时刻,毫无疑问,父母最终一定会满足他的意愿。
  • "When they resisted, I told them I would just quit going to school if I had to go back to Crittenden.
  • “他们一开始反对,我就告诉他们,如果要我回到克里滕登的话,我就再也不上学了。
  • So they researched where the best schools were and scraped together every dime and bought a house for $21, 000 in a nicer district."
  • 所以他们就调查了一下最好的学校在哪里,然后倾尽所有,在一个更好的地区,花21 000美元买下了一座房子。”
  • The move was only three miles to the south, to a former apricot orchard in Los Altos that had been turned into a subdivision of cookie-cutter tract homes.
  • 这趟搬家仅仅是向南移了3英里,来到了南洛斯阿尔托斯(South Los Altos)一处由杏树果园改造成的毫无特色的居民区。
  • Their house, at 2066 Crist Drive, was one story with three bedrooms and an all-important attached garage with a roll-down door facing the street.
  • 他们的新家位于克莱斯特路2066号,是一栋平房,有三间卧室,以及一个面朝马路、带卷帘门、设施齐全的车库。


She reciprocated by getting him a hobby kit for grinding a lens and making a camera.

“I learned more from her than any other teacher, and if it hadn’t been for her I’m sure I would have gone to jail.”
It reinforced, once again, the idea that he was special.
“In my class, it was just me she cared about. She saw something in me.”
It was not merely intelligence that she saw. Years later she liked to show off a picture of that year’s class on Hawaii Day.
Jobs had shown up without the suggested Hawaiian shirt, but in the picture he is front and center wearing one.
He had, literally, been able to talk the shirt off another kid’s back. Near the end of fourth grade, Mrs. Hill had Jobs tested.
“I scored at the high school sophomore level,” he recalled.
Now that it was clear, not only to himself and his parents but also to his teachers, that he was intellectually special,
the school made the remarkable proposal that he skip two grades and go right into seventh; it would be the easiest way to keep him challenged and stimulated.
His parents decided, more sensibly, to have him skip only one grade.
The transition was wrenching. He was a socially awkward loner who found himself with kids a year older.
Worse yet, the sixth grade was in a different school, Crittenden Middle.
It was only eight blocks from Monta Loma Elementary, but in many ways it was a world apart, located in a neighborhood filled with ethnic gangs.
“Fights were a daily occurrence; as were shakedowns in bathrooms,” wrote the Silicon Valley journalist Michael S. Malone.
“打架几乎天天发生,厕所里的敲诈也是如此,”硅谷记者迈克尔·S·马隆(Michael S.Malone)这样写道,
“Knives were regularly brought to school as a show of macho.”
Around the time that Jobs arrived, a group of students were jailed for a gang rape,
and the bus of a neighboring school was destroyed after its team beat Crittenden’s in a wrestling match.
Jobs was often bullied, and in the middle of seventh grade he gave his parents an ultimatum.
“I insisted they put me in a different school,” he recalled. Financially this was a tough demand.
His parents were barely making ends meet, but by this point there was little doubt that they would eventually bend to his will.
“When they resisted, I told them I would just quit going to school if I had to go back to Crittenden.
So they researched where the best schools were and scraped together every dime and bought a house for $21,000 in a nicer district.”
所以他们就调查了一下最好的学校在哪里,然后倾尽所有,在一个更好的地区,花21 000美元买下了一座房子。”
The move was only three miles to the south, to a former apricot orchard in Los Altos that had been turned into a subdivision of cookie-cutter tract homes.
这趟搬家仅仅是向南移了3英里,来到了南洛斯阿尔托斯(South Los Altos)一处由杏树果园改造成的毫无特色的居民区。
Their house, at 2066 Crist Drive, was one story with three bedrooms and an all-important attached garage with a roll-down door facing the street.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sensibly ['sensəbli]


adv. 容易感知地,有常识地,聪明地

proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

orchard ['ɔ:tʃəd]


n. 果园

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

loner ['ləunə]


n. 孤独的人;不合群的动物

occurrence [ə'kʌrəns]


n. 发生,事件,发现

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯


  • 第12期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(8) 2015-01-30
  • 第13期:上学(1) 2015-02-02
  • 第15期:上学(3) 2015-02-06
  • 第16期:上学(4) 2015-02-09
  • 第17期:上学(5) 2015-02-11
  • 上一篇:第13期:上学(1)



