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经典英语美文背诵100篇(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:到美国法庭看一看

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In America, courtroom proceedings are generally open to the public and can,within strict guidelines,
  • 在美国,法庭的诉讼程序一般是公之于众的,并且依照严格的规定,
  • be reported on in newspapers and on radio and television.
  • 可以让报纸、广播和电视等传媒进行报道。
  • We use the word "allegation" and its verb form "allege"to indicate that charges brought against a person have not been proven.
  • 我们使用allegation"无充分证据的指控”一词(其动词形式是allege) 表明对某人的指控尚未得到证实。
  • Cameras are also generally barred from courtrooms to protect the identities of the jurors,
  • 法庭上一般禁止摄影拍照以保护陪审员的身份。
  • unless special permission is given by the judge.
  • 除非获取法官的特别许可,
  • A jury, by the way, consists of from six to twelve ordinary citizens who are chosen by lottery to hear a case and decide,
  • 让我顺便解释 —下陪审团:一个陪审团通常由6名至12名普通公民组成。
  • under instructions from the judge, on whether the persons being tried are guilty or innocent.
  • 这些成员用抽签法选定,到法庭听讼,并在法官的指导下决定被指 控的人有罪还是无罪。
  • In some cases which attract widespread public interest,
  • 一些能吸引广大公众兴趣的案子,
  • permission is given to televise the proceedings if and only if the television cameras never photograph the members of the jury.
  • 准许用电视播放整个过程,但绝对不能将电视镜头瞄向陪审团的成员。
  • An exception to the rule of open proceedings are the proceedings of a Grand Jury.
  • 大陪审团的诉讼程序并不遵循公开诉讼程序的规定。
  • Grand Jury proceedings are always secret.
  • 大陪审团的诉讼程序总是保密的。
  • In this instance,a jury is convened not to judge a defendant guilty or not guilty but to decide
  • 在这种情形中,一个陪审团召集起来并非去判断一位被指控的人有罪还是无罪,
  • if sufficient evidence is on hand to bring charges against someone and begin a public trial.
  • 而是决定是否已收集到充足的证据来指控某人并着手准备公开审讯。
  • The secrecy of the grand jury proceedings is considered necessary to protect the integrity of the testimony
  • 大陪审团的诉讼程序的保密性对保证证词和证据的完整性是必要的,
  • and the evidence which may be brought forward later in a public trial.
  • 因为证词和证据在曰后的公开审判中会公之于众。
  • The secrecy prevents any future jury members from having formed an opinion about the case before the facts are known;
  • 保守秘密能使曰后的陪审员不致在亊实水落石出前就对案件形成自己的息见,
  • and it protects the reputations of people who may have been wrongfully or unnecessarily accused of a crime.
  • 也能保护那些道到错误指控或无端指控的人的声誉。
  • The fundamental rule of American legal practice is that a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty.
  • 美国法律最基本的原则是受到犯罪指控的人在最后被证实为有罪之前是无罪的。
  • The people accusing or prosecuting the defendant must prove through facts and testimony
  • 控告或起诉被告的人必须提供充足的事实和证词证明
  • that the person is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt."
  • 被告不容置疑"地有罪。


In America, courtroom proceedings are generally open to the public and can,within strict guidelines, be reported on in newspapers and on radio and television. We use the word “allegation” and its verb form “allege”to indicate that charges brought against a person have not been proven.Cameras are also generally barred from courtrooms to protect the identities of thejurors,unless special permission is given by the judge.A jury, by the way, consists of from six to twelve ordinary citizens who are chosen by lottery to hear acase and decide,under instructions from the judge, on whether the persons being tried are guilty or innocent.In some cases which attract widespread public interest,permission is given to televise the proceedings if and only if the television cameras never photograph the members of the jury.

An exception to the rule ofopen proceedings are the proceedings of a Grand Jury.Grand Jury proceedings arealways secret. In this instance,a jury is convened not to judge a defendant guilty or not guilty but to decide if sufficient evidence is on hand to bring charges against someone and begin a public trial.The secrecy of the grand jury proceedings is considered necessary to protect the integrity of the testimony and theevidence which may be brought forward later in a public trial.The secrecy prevents any future jury membersfrom having formed an opinion about the case before the facts are known; and it protects the reputations of people who may have been wrongfully or unnecessarily accused of a crime.The fundamental rule of Americanlegal practice is that a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty.The people accusing or prosecuting the defendant must prove through facts and testimony that the person is guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

testimony ['testiməni]


n. 证明,证据

reasonable ['ri:znəbl]


adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

courtroom ['kɔ:tru:m]


n. 法庭,审判室

allegation [.æli'geiʃən]


n. 断言,主张,辩解,暗指

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

indicate ['indikeit]


v. 显示,象征,指示
v. 指明,表明

lottery ['lɔtəri]


n. 彩票





