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听经典欧美电影学英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第55期:末日之战

编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • World War Z is a zombie horror film about zombies taking over the world.
  • 末日之战是一部关于僵尸的恐怖电影,电影讲述的是僵尸控制地球的故事。
  • It is loosely based on the best-selling novel of the same name written by Max Brooks.
  • 电影大体上是根据麦克斯·布鲁克斯的同名小说改编而成。
  • The movie stars Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane, a worker at the United Nations who searches the world for information
  • 电影主演布拉德·皮特,他饰演盖瑞·雷恩,盖瑞是一名联合国的工作人员,
  • that can stop the zombie outbreak that is threatening the survival of the human race.
  • 他的工作是在全球寻找能够制止僵尸爆发的途径,目前,僵尸正在威胁着人类的生存。
  • The official website says: "United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic
  • 官方网站称:“联合国工作人员盖瑞·雷恩正在追赶时间,阻止僵尸的继续蔓延,
  • that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to decimate humanity itself."
  • 僵尸已经摧毁了军队,政府,人类正在遭受灭绝之灾。”
  • Brad Pitt's film production company Plan B Entertainment bought the movie rights to make the film in 2007.
  • 布拉德·皮特的制作公司‘替补计划娱乐’买下了该电影的版权,并于2007年决定制作该部电影。
  • Filming began in 2011 in Malta, Glasgow and Budapest.
  • 2011年,电影开始在马耳他,格拉斯哥和布达佩斯开始拍摄。
  • Writer of the original book, Max Brooks, said his work has been re-written so much that the movie and novel are now the same in name only.
  • 原书的作者麦克斯·布鲁克斯认为他的作品已经遭到了人们的无数次重写,现在的电影和小说只是名字相同罢了。
  • Brooks said: "I knew they were going to rewrite it. I grew up in Hollywood. I knew it was going to go through a million changes."
  • 布鲁克斯说:“我知道他们将要重写这部作品。我出生在好莱坞。我知道这部作品将要经过上百万的变动。”
  • He told moviegoers: "I cannot guarantee that the movie will be the book that they love."
  • 他告诉那些影迷:“我不能保证的是电影将会像小说那样受人们亲睐。”
  • Many critics questioned why the movie was advertised as a horror film, when it was given a 13-PG (parental guidance) rating.
  • 许多影评人质疑到,为什么这部电影被打上了恐怖片的标签,这部电影评为了13-PG电影(在父母的陪同下观看)。
  • There was also much talk about the movie being unable to recover its $400 million production costs.
  • 这部电影并没有收回4亿美金的制作费用,对此人们众说纷纭。
  • Britain's 'Guardian' newspaper examined whether Pitt was "making the most expensive disaster of all time" while the film was being made.
  • 英国卫报质疑皮特,质疑他为什么会制作出价格昂贵的灾难片。


World War Z is a zombie horror film about zombies taking over the world. It is loosely based on the best-selling novel of the same name written by Max Brooks. The movie stars Brad Pitt as Gerry Lane, a worker at the United Nations who searches the world for information that can stop the zombie outbreak that is threatening the survival of the human race. The official website says: "United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments,and threatening to decimate humanity itself." Brad Pitt's film production company Plan B Entertainment bought the movie rights to make the film in 2007. Filming began in 2011 in Malta, Glasgow and Budapest.



Writer of the original book, Max Brooks, said his work has been re-written so much that the movie and novel are now the same in name only. Brooks said: "I knew they were going to rewrite it. I grew up in Hollywood. I knew it was going to go through a million changes." He told moviegoers: "I cannot guarantee that the movie will be the book that they love." Many critics questioned why the movie was advertised as a horror film, when it was given a 13-PG (parental guidance) rating. There was also much talk about the movie being unable to recover its $400 million production costs. Britain's 'Guardian' newspaper examined whether Pitt was "making the most expensive disaster of all time" while the film was being made.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
prosperity [prɔs'periti]


n. 繁荣,兴旺

disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难

guardian ['gɑ:diən]


n. 保护人,监护人

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

permanent ['pə:mənənt]


adj. 永久的,持久的
n. 烫发

administrator [əd'ministreitə]


n. 管理人,行政官

decimate ['desimeit]


v. 毁掉大部分,大量杀死,使骤减 v.抽杀十分之一的人

compassion [kəm'pæʃən]


n. 同情,怜悯

survival [sə'vaivəl]


n. 生存,幸存者

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科





