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Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit10:Happy New Year(1)

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  • Unit 10. Happy New Year.
  • 第10单元 新年快乐
  • Part 1. Warming up.
  • 第1部分 热身
  • A. Keywords. millennium, celebration.
  • A. 关键词:千禧年、庆祝。
  • Vocabulary. chime, millennium, prospective, gala, countdown, fanfare,
  • 词汇 钟声、千禧年、前景、晚会、倒计时、大张旗鼓、
  • Kiribati, Vietnam, Hanoi, Bangkok, Egypt.
  • 基里巴斯、越南、河内、曼谷、埃及。
  • The world has entered the 21st century, here are some reports of happy new millenium celebrations.
  • 世界现在进入到了21世纪,这里有一些关于庆祝千禧年的报道。
  • Now listen and enjoy, supply the missing words.
  • 现在享受听的过程,完善缺失信息。
  • The world is greeting the year 2000 with much celebrations.
  • 全世界都在欢庆 2000 年的到来。
  • The first nation to celebrate was Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean.
  • 第一个庆祝的国家是太平洋上的基里巴斯。
  • In China, President Jiang Zeming lit a fire to represent thousands of years of Chinese civilization.
  • 在中国,在中国,江泽民主席点燃了代表几千年中华文明的火种。
  • The traditional Chinese new year begins in February.
  • 中国传统新年于二月份开始。
  • Russia covering two continents will have the world's longest new year celebrations.
  • 覆盖两个大陆的俄罗斯将举行世界上最长的新年庆祝活动。
  • Welcome from London, welcome from the BBC World Service to the 21st century.
  • 欢迎来自伦敦,欢迎英国广播公司(BBC)世界频道来到 21 世纪。
  • The year 2000 has arrived in Britain when the chimes of London's Big Ben signaled midnight.
  • 随着伦敦的大本钟午夜钟声敲响,英国迎来了2000年。
  • Huge crowed cheered as spectacular fireworks displays went along several kilometers of the Thames.
  • 壮观的焰火表演沿着泰晤士河数公里长的河面进行,人群欢呼雀跃。
  • New Zealand is greeting the new millennium with fireworks and parties.
  • 新西兰燃放烟花,举办聚会来庆祝新的千禧年。
  • As the clock struck midnight, thousands of people braved rain showers to attend midnight celebrations, fireworks and concerts.
  • 午夜钟声敲响时,成千上万的人们冒着阵雨参加午夜庆祝活动、焰火晚会和音乐会。
  • In Australia, a firework display lit up the sky over Sydney's famous harbor at the stroke of midnight.
  • 在澳大利亚,午夜时分,一场烟花表演照亮了悉尼著名海港的天空。
  • Earlier, the new century began its 24 hour march around the globe in the tinny South Pacific island nation of Kiribati.
  • 早些时候,新世纪在南太平洋岛国基里巴斯开始了 24 小时的环球旅行。
  • Joyous celebrations took place across Asia to celebrate the turn of the century and the start of the new millennium.
  • 亚洲各地举行了欢乐的庆祝活动,庆祝世纪之交和新千禧年的开始。
  • In Hong kong, tens of thousands of people started the new year at the race track, where a horse race began just after midnight.
  • 在香港,成千上万的人在赛马场开始了新的一年。
  • More than 360,000 people lined Singapore's Orchard Road to cheer the new century while hundreds of balloons were released into the sky.
  • 超过 36 万人在新加坡乌节路列队欢呼新世纪的到来,数百个气球被放飞到天空。
  • In Vietnam, hundreds of thousands of people crowed the streets of Hanoi and Hu zhiming City.
  • 在越南,数十万人涌向河内和胡志明市的街头。
  • 2000 couples from around the world gathered in Thailand today to mark the new year with a mass wedding.
  • 来自世界各地的 2000 对新人今天齐聚泰国,以集体婚礼的形式庆祝新年。
  • The day-long ceremony began in the morning with grooms meeting with their prospective brides and exchanging gifts in the convention center in the captial of Bangkok.
  • 为期一天的仪式于上午开始,新郎们在曼谷首都的会议中心与他们的准新娘见面并交换礼物。
  • In Japan, millions of people wished for good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.
  • 在日本,几百万人们希望在龙年能够有好运。
  • In Tokyo's waterfront area, 10,000 people enjoyed a gala countdown to the New Year.
  • 在东京的海滨地区,10,000 人参加了新年倒计时晚会。
  • People across the world are welcoming the year 2000 with fanfare and celebration.
  • 世界各地的人们都在大张旗鼓地庆祝 2000 年的到来。
  • The spectacular dusk-to-dawn light show is marking the beginning of the new century at the Pyramids in Egypt.
  • 壮观的黄昏至黎明灯光秀标志着埃及金字塔新世纪的开始。
  • Just over an hour ago, millions of people in western and central Europe welcomed the new year with fireworks and open air parties.
  • 一个多小时前,西欧和中欧的数百万人在烟花和露天派对中迎接新年的到来。
  • B. Keywords. capital, country.
  • B 关键词 首都,国家
  • Vocabulary. drill.
  • 词汇,钻头
  • You will hear 15 capital names, locate them in the list and write them down in the blank spaces, then draw lines to match the capitals with their corresponding countries.
  • 您将听到 15 个首都的名称,在列表中找到它们并写在空白处,然后画线将首都与相应的国家对应起来。
  • Knowledge about names of countries, their capitals and some other cities or areas is important in new stories.
  • 在新故事中,有关国家名称、首都和其他一些城市或地区的知识非常重要。
  • This drill is for practice in identifying place names of some capitals and their countries.
  • 本练习旨在练习识别一些国家首都及其国家的地名。
  • 1. Washington, The United States.
  • 1. 华盛顿,美国
  • 2. Madrid, Spain.
  • 2.马德里 ,西班牙
  • 3. Warsaw, Poland.
  • 3.华沙,波兰
  • 4. London, The United Kingdom.
  • 4.伦敦,英国
  • 5. Rangoon, Burma or Myanmar.
  • 5.仰光,缅甸
  • 6. Brussels, Belgium.
  • 6.布鲁塞尔,比利时
  • 7. Moscow, Russia.
  • 7.莫斯科,俄罗斯
  • 8. Mexico City, Mexico.
  • 8.墨西哥城,墨西哥
  • 9. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • 9.科伦坡,斯里兰卡
  • 10. Vienna, Austria.
  • 10.维也纳,奥地利
  • 11. Kampala, Uganda.
  • 11. 坎帕拉,乌干达
  • 12. Rome, Italy.
  • 12.罗马,意大利
  • 13. Berlin, Germany.
  • 13.柏林,德国
  • 14. Ankara, Turkey.
  • 14.安卡拉,土耳其
  • 15. Bangkok, Thailand.
  • 15.曼谷,泰国
  • C. Keywords. place name, captial.
  • C关键词 地名,首都
  • Vocabulary. respond, pronunciation, identify.
  • 词汇 回答 发音 辨别
  • Listen to 10 names of countries and their capital cities, draw lines to match the capitals in column B with their corresponding countries in column A.
  • 听 10 个国家及其首都的名称,画线将 B 栏中的首都与 A 栏中的相应国家对应起来。
  • Many students lack the ability to respond quickly to the English pronunciation of some place names.
  • 许多学生对一些地名的英语发音缺乏快速反应能力。
  • Therefore, they need to be repeated and practice in identifying place names.
  • 因此,在识别地名时需要反复练习。
  • 1. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
  • 1. 渥太华是加拿大的首都。
  • 2. The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul.
  • 2. 阿富汗的首都是喀布尔。
  • 3. The captial of Argentina is Buenos Aires.
  • 3. 阿根廷的首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯。
  • 4. What is the capital of Denmark? It's Copenhagen.
  • 4. 丹麦的首都是哪里?是哥本哈根。
  • 5. Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia.
  • 5. 亚的斯亚贝巴是埃塞俄比亚的首都。
  • 6. Athens is the capital of Greece.
  • 6. 雅典是希腊的首都。
  • 7. Do you know what the capital of India is? Yes, it's New Delhi.
  • 7. 你知道印度的首都是哪里吗?知道,是新德里。
  • 8. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.
  • 8. 雅加达是印度尼西亚的首都。
  • 9. The capital of Iran is Tehran.
  • 9. 伊朗的首都是德黑兰。
  • 10. What's the capital of Iraq? It's Baghdad.
  • 10. 伊拉克首都是哪里?巴格达。


Unit 10. Happy New Year.

Part 1. Warming up.

A. Keywords. millennium, celebration.

Vocabulary. chime, millennium, prospective, gala, countdown, fanfare,

Kiribati, Vietnam, Hanoi, Bangkok, Egypt.

The world has entered the 21st century, here are some reports of happy new millenium celebrations.

Now listen and enjoy, supply the missing words.

The world is greeting the year 2000 with much celebrations.

The first nation to celebrate was Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean.

In China, President Jiang Zeming lit a fire to represent thousands of years of Chinese civilization.

The traditional Chinese new year begins in February.

Russia covering two continents will have the world's longest new year celebrations.

Welcome from London, welcome from the BBC World Service to the 21st century.

The year 2000 has arrived in Britain when the chimes of London's Big Ben signaled midnight.

Huge crowed cheered as spectacular fireworks displays went along several kilometers of the Thames.

New Zealand is greeting the new millennium with fireworks and parties.

As the clock struck midnight, thousands of people braved rain showers to attend midnight celebrations, fireworks and concerts.

In Australia, a firework display lit up the sky over Sydney's famous harbor at the stroke of midnight.

Earlier, the new century began its 24 hour march around the globe in the tinny South Pacific island nation of Kiribati.

Joyous celebrations took place across Asia to celebrate the turn of the century and the start of the new millennium.

In Hong kong, tens of thousands of people started the new year at the race track, where a horse race began just after midnight.

More than 360,000 people lined Singapore's Orchard Road to cheer the new century while hundreds of balloons were released into the sky.

In Vietnam, hundreds of thousands of people crowed the streets of Hanoi and Hu zhiming City.

2000 couples from around the world gathered in Thailand today to mark the new year with a mass wedding.

The day-long ceremony began in the morning with grooms meeting with their prospective brides and exchanging gifts in the convention center in the captial of Bangkok.

In Japan, millions of people wished for good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.

In Tokyo's waterfront area, 10,000 people enjoyed a gala countdown to the New Year.

People across the world are welcoming the year 2000 with fanfare and celebration.

The spectacular dusk-to-dawn light show is marking the beginning of the new century at the Pyramids in Egypt.

Just over an hour ago, millions of people in western and central Europe welcomed the new year with fireworks and open air parties.

B. Keywords. capital, country.

Vocabulary. drill.

You will hear 15 capital names, locate them in the list and write them down in the blank spaces, then draw lines to match the capitals with their corresponding countries.

Knowledge about names of countries, their capitals and some other cities or areas is important in new stories.

This drill is for practice in identifying place names of some capitals and their countries.

1. Washington, The United States.

2. Madrid, Spain.

3. Warsaw, Poland.

4. London, The United Kingdom.

5. Rangoon, Burma or Myanmar.

6. Brussels, Belgium.

7. Moscow, Russia.

8. Mexico City, Mexico.

9. Colombo, Sri Lanka.

10. Vienna, Austria.

11. Kampala, Uganda.

12. Rome, Italy.

13. Berlin, Germany.

14. Ankara, Turkey.

15. Bangkok, Thailand.

C. Keywords. place name, captial.

Vocabulary. respond, pronunciation, identify.

Listen to 10 names of countries and their capital cities, draw lines to match the capitals in column B with their corresponding countries in column A.

Many students lack the ability to respond quickly to the English pronunciation of some place names.

Therefore, they need to be repeated and practice in identifying place names.

1. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

2. The capital of Afghanistan is Kabul.

3. The captial of Argentina is Buenos Aires.

4. What is the capital of Denmark? It's Copenhagen.

5. Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia.

6. Athens is the capital of Greece.

7. Do you know what the capital of India is? Yes, it's New Delhi.

8. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.

9. The capital of Iran is Tehran.

10. What's the capital of Iraq? It's Baghdad.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

drill [dril]


n. 钻孔机,钻子,反复操练,播种机
v. 钻

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

orchard ['ɔ:tʃəd]


n. 果园

locate [ləu'keit]


vt. 把 ... 设置在,使坐落于,找出

covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

column ['kɔləm]


n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列

turkey ['tə:ki]


n. 土耳其
n. 火





