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- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is a 2003 epic fantasy-drama film directed by Peter Jackson.
- 指环王:国王归来是一部上映于2003年的史诗科幻剧,导演彼得·杰克逊。
- It is based on the second and third volumes of J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings".
- 电影是根据托尔金小说“指环王”的第一部和第二部改编而成。
- It is the concluding film in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy,
- 它也是指环王三部曲的完结篇,
- following The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) and The Two Towers (2002).
- 之前是魔戒再现(2001)以及双塔奇兵(2002)。
- It shows the final fight for the control of Middle-earth between Sauron and the Hobbits, Frodo, Sam and their friends.
- 电影讲述了合力捍卫中土世界,以及索伦与佛罗多、山姆、霍比特人以及他们朋友之间的战争。
- After a long journey they finally arrive in the dangerous lands of Mordor,
- 经过长途旅程之后,他们最终到达了危险重重的末日火山,
- seeking to destroy the One Ring in the place it was created, the volcanic fires of Mount Doom.
- 他们企图毁坏魔戒所创造的地区,即厄运山的火焰口。
- The movie has a thrilling climax that is a must-see for fantasy fans.
- 电影惊险刺激,对于科幻迷来说,这是一部不能错过的影片。
- The Return of the King received rave reviews from critics.
- 国王归来获得了影评人的好评。
- It became one of the greatest critical and box office successes of all time.
- 它获得了很好的票房成绩,并也收获了人们的认可。
- The world premiere in Wellington saw a quarter of the city's population,filled the streets to see it.
- 惠灵顿的全球首映礼上,城市四分之一的人口都见证了这一电影的上映。
- It won all eleven Academy Awards for which it was nominated, an Oscar record,
- 影片获得了11项奥斯卡提名,并全部获奖,这也创造了奥斯卡的记录,
- In winning the Academy Award for Best Picture, It became the first and only time a fantasy film has done so.
- 它还获得了最佳影片奖,这也是科幻电影首次摘得此类奖项。
- The main criticism of The Return of the King was its length.
- 人们对于这部影片主要的批评就是其长度。
- Joel Siegel of the TV show Good Morning America said: "If it didn't take forty-five minutes to end,
- 早安美国的主持人乔·西格尔认为:“如果电影没有用45分钟的时间结束的话,
- it'd be my best picture of the year.
- 那么它将是我今年最喜爱的电影。
- As it is, it's just one of the great achievements in film history."
- 尽管这样,它也是电影史上最伟大的电影之一。”
- It is frequently listed in the top ten on lists of the greatest ever movies.
- 日前,这部影片也列入到了十佳电影名单之中。
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is a 2003 epic fantasy-drama film directed by Peter Jackson.It is based on the second and third volumes of J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings". It is the concluding film in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, following The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) and The Two Towers (2002). It shows the final fight for the control of Middle-earth between Sauron and the Hobbits, Frodo, Sam and their friends. After a long journey they finally arrive in the dangerous lands of Mordor, seeking to destroy the One Ring in the place it was created, the volcanic fires of Mount Doom. The movie has a thrilling climax that is a must-see for fantasy fans.

The Return of the King received rave reviews from critics. It became one of the greatest critical and box office successes of all time. The world premiere in Wellington saw a quarter of the city's population,filled the streets to see it. It won all eleven Academy Awards for which it was nominated, an Oscar record. Inwinning the Academy Award for Best Picture, It became the first and only time a fantasy film has done so.The main criticism of The Return of the King was its length. Joel Siegel of the TV show Good Morning America said: "If it didn't take forty-five minutes to end, it'd be my best picture of the year. As it is, it's just one of the great achievements in film history." It is frequently listed in the top ten on lists of the greatest ever movies.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201501/352036.shtml