Marvel Entertainment's The Avengers is a 2012 American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It is based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. It is the sixth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film is scripted and directed by Joss Whedon andfeatures an ensemble cast that includes Robert Downey, Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson. In The Avengers, Nick Fury, director of the peacekeeping organization S.H.I.E.L.D., recruits Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk and Thor to form a team that must stop Thor's adoptive brother Loki from conquering the Earth. The film includes all the usual thrills and spills expected from a superhero movie.
The Avengers premiered in April 2012 in Hollywood, California. The film received positive reviews from most film critics and set numerous box office records, including the biggest opening weekend in North America.It tied the record for the fastest film to gross $1 billion worldwide and became the third-highest grossing film ever. The website Rotten Tomatoes wrote: "With a script that never forgets its heroes' humanity, and no shortage of super-powered set pieces, The Avengers lives up to its hype." Associated Press writer Christy Lemire said: "The script sparkles as brightly as the special effects; these people may be wearing ridiculous costumes but they're well fleshed out underneath."