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听经典欧美电影学英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第29期:七宗罪

编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Seven (also known as Se7en) is a 1995 American thriller and horror film,
  • 七宗罪是一部上映于1995年的美国恐怖悬疑电影,
  • with dark, disturbing scenes.
  • 电影有着恐怖的画面场景。
  • It was written by Andrew Kevin Walker and directed by David Fincher.
  • 编剧安德鲁·凯文·沃克,导演大卫·芬奇。
  • It stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman,
  • 主演布拉德·皮特,摩根·弗里曼,
  • with Gwyneth Paltrow and Kevin Spacey in supporting roles.
  • 配角有格温妮丝·帕特洛,凯文·史派西。
  • The film opens in an un-named city of near-constant rain and urban decay.
  • 电影开场展现了一座无名的城市,在雨色的映衬下,城市一片狼藉。
  • The newly-transferred David Mills (Pitt)
  • 新转来的大卫·米尔斯(由皮特饰演)
  • and the soon-to-retire William Somerset (Freeman) are homicide detectives
  • 和即将退休的威廉·沙摩塞(由弗里曼饰演)是两名凶杀案警探,
  • who become deeply involved in the case of a sadistic serial killer.
  • 他们卷入到了连环杀手的追查当中。
  • Each carefully-planned murder corresponds to one of the seven deadly sins:
  • 每一次的凶杀都经过了精心的设计,每一次的犯罪都与七宗罪不谋而合:
  • gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy.
  • 暴食、贪婪、懒惰、愤怒、骄傲、淫欲和嫉妒。
  • Mills becomes the unsuspecting performer of the final sin.
  • 意想不到的是,米尔斯却成为了七宗罪中最后一个实施犯罪的人。
  • The film was highly acclaimed by critics
  • 影评人对这部电影有着很高的评价,
  • and currently has an 85% rating on the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes.
  • 目前在“烂番茄”网站中,这部电影收获了85%的好评。
  • Gary Arnold of The Washington Times praised the cast:
  • 华盛顿时代的加里·阿诺德称赞了电影中的演员:
  • The film 's winning formula is the personal appeal generated by
  • 这部电影因为演员而吸引眼球,
  • Mr Freeman as the mature,thingking cop
  • 弗里曼是一位老道的警察,
  • and Mr Pitt as the young, headstrong cop.
  • 华盛顿时报的加力·阿诺德高度赞扬了这部电影的演员:
  • Sheila Johnston, in her review for The Independent,
  • 茜拉·乔思顿在独立报上的评论
  • praised Freeman's performance:"The film belongs to Freeman and his quiet,
  • 高度赞扬了弗里曼的演技:“这部电影属于弗里曼
  • carefully detailed portrayal of the jaded,
  • 和那位厌倦工作,
  • older man who learns not to give up the fight," she wrote.
  • 经验老道的警探,他从没有放弃过斗争,”
  • In his review for Sight and Sound, John Wrathall wrote:
  • 约翰·拉索夫在视觉与声效的评论中写到:
  • " Seven has the scariest ending."
  • 七宗罪的结尾让人毛骨悚然。”
  • The film is frequently in the top ten in lists of the best ever movies.
  • 这个电影也列入了史上十佳电影的名单当中。


Seven (also known as Se7en) is a 1995 American thriller and horror film, with dark, disturbing scenes. It was written by Andrew Kevin Walker and directed by David Fincher. It stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Gwyneth Paltrow and Kevin Spacey in supporting roles. The film opens in an un-named city of near-constant rain and urban decay. The newly-transferred David Mills (Pitt) and the soon-to-retire William Somerset(Freeman) are homicide detectives who become deeply involved in the case of a sadistic serial killer. Eachcarefully-planned murder corresponds to one of the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy. Mills becomes the unsuspecting performer of the final sin.



The film was highly acclaimed by critics and currently has an 85% rating on the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes. Gary Arnold of The Washington Times praised the cast: "The film's [winning formula] is the personal appeal generated by Mr Freeman as the mature, [thinking] cop and Mr Pitt as the young, headstrong cop."Sheila Johnston, in her review for The Independent, praised Freeman's performance: "The film belongs to Freeman and his quiet, carefully detailed portrayal of the jaded, older man who learns not to give up the fight," she wrote. In his review for Sight and Sound, John Wrathall wrote: " Seven has the scariest ending."The film is frequently in the top ten in lists of the best ever movies.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
greed [gri:d]


n. 贪心,贪婪

viewer ['vju:ə]


n. 观看者,电视观众,观察器

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

acclaimed [ə'kleim]


n. 喝采,欢呼,赞同 v. 欢呼,喝采,称赞

hallway ['hɔ:lwei]


n. 门厅;玄关;走廊

portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl]


n. 描绘,肖像,画像

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本





