The Power of a Smile---Mr. Phil
As a guest in a beautiful country-China, I have been treated with great love and respect, even though I know that it is not always easy for my students to understand me in my class. I consider myself to be like a grandfather to many of them.
Two years ago, in the Chinese classroom, waiting for my students, when a lovely young lady entered the room. Suddenly the room was warm and cheerful. I marveled that how the change from a dim and somewhat drab classroom came to be a bright and happy classroom could happen so quicklyy. Seeking the answer, I looked more closely at the Chinese girl who stood before me. By all accounts, she could be described as ordinary except for the one characteristic that had an immediate effect on me and my class: her smile.

She had the most beautiful smile I think I have ever seen. I was so impressed by her smile that I told my wife about the experience when I arrived home after ending the class. Since then when I saw this young lady, she had the same beautiful smile. She and I have become very good friends. I know there are at times when she has trials and reasons not to smile. Nevertheless her smile is always there and she never fails to warm my soul.
Many times I have pondered the effect a smile had on others. I have decided that a smile is one of the greatest powers we possess. If we have an angry heart, we quickly make our people around us instantly unhappy.But if we smile,we have the effect on everybody and they may become happy and warm.

I have decided that as I walk along the lovely pathways of my beautiful campus, I will smile and say hello to all those I meet. The smile makes all of us instant friends. In America we have many instant foods that only require adding a liquid such as water, juice or milk to make a delicious meal. The smile makes instant friends and is the magic ingredient that makes us all brothers, sisters and friends.