But if you want to inspire people to participate, you have to show more than numbers; you have to convey the human impact of the work-so people can feel what saving a life means to the families affected.
I remember going to the World Economic Forum some years back and sitting on a global health panel that was discussing ways to save millions of lives. Millions! Think of the thrill of you can save just one person's life-then multiply that by millions... Yet this was the most boring panel I've ever been on ever. So boring even I couldn't bear it.
What made that experience especially striking was that I had just come from an event where we were introducing version 13 of some piece of software, and we had people jumping and shouting with excitement. I love getting people excited about software-but why can't we generate even more excitement for saving lives?
You can't get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact. The way to do that is another complex question.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201405/299945.shtml