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有声读物《黑骏马》 第40期:第8章 沙尔伯爵庄园(6)

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • There was a gentleman called Blantyre staying at the Hall, who always rode Lizzie and was so pleased with her that Lady Anne wanted to try her.
  • 有一个年轻人,叫布兰太尔,他留在大宅里。他一直非常喜欢骑丽奇,引得安小姐也想试试。
  • I dont advise it, said Blantyre.Shes too easily fright-ened for a lady to ride.
  • 你最好别骑,布兰太尔说,她太容易受惊吓了,不适合小姐骑。
  • My dear cousin, said Lady Anne, laughing, Ive been riding horses since I was a baby and have followed the hounds many times.Now, help me up.
  • 亲爱的表哥,安小姐大笑着说,我还是小宝宝时就开始骑马了,还参加过许多次打猎。来,帮我上马。
  • So Blantyre helped her into the saddle, then climbed on me.Just as we were moving off, Lady Harriet asked for a message to be taken to Dr Ashley in the village.
  • 布兰太尔只好帮她跨上马鞍,然后他骑上我。正当我们要出发时,哈丽埃特小姐来请我们带一封信给住在村子里的阿什莱大夫。
  • The village was about two kilometres away, and the doctors house was the last one in it.Blantyre got off to open the gate for Lady Anne but she said, Ill wait here for you.
  • 村子在两公里以外,医生的房子在尽头。布兰太尔下马去为安小姐开门,可是她说:我在这儿等你。
  • He went off and we waited.
  • 他就一个人去了,我们在原地等着。
  • There was a field with an open gate on the opposite side of the road, and at that moment some young horses came trotting out.
  • 路对面有一块田地,大门是敞开的,有一些年青的马小跑着撒欢儿。
  • They were wild and excited, and there was a boy behind them, waving a large whip.Suddenly, one of the young horses ran across the road, and banged into Lizzies back legs.
  • 他们野性十足,神情兴奋,有一个男孩挥舞着长鞭跟在后面。突然一匹马跑过公路,撞着了丽奇的后腿。


There was a gentleman called Blantyre staying at the Hall,who always rode Lizzie and was so pleased with her that Lady Anne wanted to try her.

I dont advise it,said Blantyre.Shes too easily fright-ened for a lady to ride.
My dear cousin,said Lady Anne,laughing,Ive been riding horses since I was a baby and have followed the hounds many times.Now,help me up.
So Blantyre helped her into the saddle,then climbed on me.Just as we were moving off,Lady Harriet asked for a message to be taken to Dr Ashley in the village.
The village was about two kilometres away,and the doctors house was the last one in it.Blantyre got off to open the gate for Lady Anne but she said,Ill wait here for you.
He went off and we waited.
There was a field with an open gate on the opposite side of the road,and at that moment some young horses came trotting out.
They were wild and excited,and there was a boy behind them,waving a large whip.Suddenly,one of the young horses ran across the road,and banged into Lizzies back legs.






