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有声读物《黑骏马》 第39期:第8章 沙尔伯爵庄园(5)

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I knew those bearing reins would cause trouble, he said to himself.He saw where I had been kicked and washed the place gently with hot water to help the pain.
  • 我就知道那些绳套会惹麻烦,他自言自语。他看着我被踢伤的地方,并用热水轻轻地冲洗伤口,以止住疼痛。
  • Lord Gray was angry when he heard what had happened.He blamed York for taking orders from the mistress,
  • 格雷勋爵听说这事后很生气。他责备约克听了女主人的话。
  • and York said that he would take orders only from Lord Gray himself from now on.But things went on the same as before,
  • 约克说今后他只听格雷勋爵一人的命令。但是一切如常。
  • except that Ginger was never put into the carriage again.
  • 只是金儿不再被套上马车了。
  • I pulled it with a horse called Max who was used to the tight rein.But those four months pulling Lady Grays carriage were terrible.
  • 我和另一匹挺习慢绳套的叫马格斯的马一起拉车。可是,给格雷太太拉车的4个月真是糟透了。
  • The sharp bit cut into my tongue and mouth, the rein hurt my neck and made it difficult to breathe, and I felt tired and very miserable.
  • 锋利的嚼口切进我的舌头和嘴巴,绳套勒伤了我的脖子,我呼吸困难,疲惫不堪,境况悲惨。
  • In the spring, Lord Gray and some of his family went up to London and took York with them.
  • 春天,格雷勋爵和家人去伦敦,约克随行。
  • Two daughters remained at the Hall.Lady Harriet never went out in the carriage, and Lady Anne preferred riding on horseback with her brother or cousins.
  • 两个女儿留在家里。哈丽埃特小姐从不坐车出行,安小姐则最喜欢和兄弟们骑马出游。
  • She chose me for her horse and I enjoyed these rides, sometimes with Ginger, sometimes with Lizzie, a horse liked by the young gentlemen.
  • 她挑我做她的坐骑,我也喜欢这种游玩,有时和金儿一起,有时和丽奇一起。年轻的先生们喜欢骑丽奇。


I knew those bearing reins would cause trouble,he said to himself.He saw where I had been kicked and washed the place gently with hot water to help the pain.

Lord Gray was angry when he heard what had happened.He blamed York for taking orders from the mistress,
and York said that he would take orders only from Lord Gray himself from now on.But things went on the same as before,
except that Ginger was never put into the carriage again.
I pulled it with a horse called Max who was used to the tight rein.But those four months pulling Lady Grays carriage were terrible.
The sharp bit cut into my tongue and mouth,the rein hurt my neck and made it difficult to breathe,and I felt tired and very miserable.
In the spring,Lord Gray and some of his family went up to London and took York with them.
Two daughters remained at the Hall.Lady Harriet never went out in the carriage,and Lady Anne preferred riding on horseback with her brother or cousins.
She chose me for her horse and I enjoyed these rides,sometimes with Ginger,sometimes with Lizzie,a horse liked by the young gentlemen.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.





