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A new report that offers recommendations for _1_ job growth in Los Angeles ignores losses in one of the area's economic pillars--the entertainment industry. Daniel Carson reports film advocats _2_ there is no discussion of what can be done to reverse the decline.
一份新报告为洛杉矶促进就业增长提出了建议,但是忽略了作为该地区经济支柱之一的娱乐业的损失 。据丹尼尔·卡森报道,电影拥护者对所提出的建议中并未讨论扭转电影业颓势的方法感到失望 。
The Los Angeles 2020 commission report lays out 13 _3_ to boost job growth, but none of them address the trouble in the film and TV industries. Even though they rank among the region's largest private employers, thousands of entertainment jobs are lost every year to states with more generous tax incentives. Industry advocate Paul Audley says there is a sure-fire way to bring those jobs back home to Hollywood. This industry will overturn immediately if the state becomes competitive and that means tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars expenditure. The California legislature _4_ a bill to fatten up the state's tax credit part from the current 100 million dollars to 400 million so it can compete with rivals like New York and Louisiana. For NPR news, I'm Daniel Carson in Los Angeles.
洛杉矶2020委员会报告为增加就业提出了13项建议,但是其中没有一条为影视业的问题提出解决方法NPR新闻,丹尼尔·卡森洛杉矶报道 。 。而影视业涉及到洛杉矶地区最大的私人雇主,这个地区每年会损失掉数千名娱乐人才,因为这些人才会前往拥有税收政策更优厚的州去 。行业倡导者保罗·奥德利表示,有一个一定能将这些流失掉的人才带回好莱坞的方法 。如果加州变得更具竞争性,那这个行业会立刻颠覆,这意味着数万个就业岗位和数十亿美元的开支 。加州议会正在考虑一份增加加州税额减免的法案,数额将由现在的1亿美元增加至4亿美元,这样加州就可以和纽约以及路易安那州那样的对手进行竞争了 。
1. lay out
eg. I'm thinking about the plan we're going to lay out.
我在考虑我们要提出的计划 。
eg. Developed countries have begun to lay out a plan for funding technology transfer and adaptation efforts.
而发达国家则开始筹划为技术转移和适应气候变化提供资金的计划 。
2. sure-fire
eg. If something's a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.
如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出 。
eg. This is a sure-fire way to get publicity.
这样做就一定能引人注目 。
3. fatten up
eg. They fattened up ducks and geese.
他们喂肥了鹅鸭 。
eg. You're too skinny — we'll have to fatten you up.
你太瘦了,我们要把你养胖些 。