Never before in the history of our country have most of the advanced degrees been awarded to women but now they are. Since the dawn of men, it's hardly more than 100 years since we were even allowed into these buildings except to clean them, but soon most of law and medical degrees will probably also go to women. Around the world, poor women now own property, who used to be property and according to Economist magazine, for the last two decades, the increase in female employment in the rich world has been the main driving force of growth. Those women have contributed more to global GDP growth than have either new technology or the new giants India or China. Cracks in the ceiling, cracks in the door, cracks in the Court and on the Senate floor.
You know, I gave a speech at Vassar 27 years ago. It was a really big hit. Everyone loved it, really. Tom Brokaw said it was the very best commencement speech he had ever heard and of course I believed this. And it was much easier to construct than this one. It came out pretty easily because back then I knew so much. I was a new mother, and I had two academy awards, and it was all, coming together so nicely. I was smart and I understood boiler plate and what sounded good.
你们知道,27年前 我在瓦萨学院做了一次演讲。那是一场轰动的演讲,每个人都非常喜欢,真的!汤姆·布罗克说那是他曾听过的最棒的毕业典礼演讲,当然我也相信这个说法。那次演讲主旨的确立和构思比这次简单得多,演讲稿也很轻松的搞定,因为我当时有很多感触。那时我刚刚做了母亲,拥有两个奥斯卡奖,这一切恰巧又同时发生了。我以前很聪明,比如我知道发出什么样响声的热水壶才是好的热水壶。