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美文故事之找谁倚靠 第4期:改变高度 Change altitude

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Change altitude
  • 改变高度
  • Rebecca had decided that her best chance of getting hired by a company doing geological survey work in the Alaskan wilderness was to earn a private license to fly twin-engine planes.
  • 丽贝卡觉得,要想进入在阿拉斯加荒原做地质研究的公司,最好的方式就是拥有操纵双引擎飞机的私家执照。
  • A few days later she began taking lessons from a wise old bush pilot,highly respected throughout the region for his cool and collected ways of dealing with the worst possible situations.
  • 几天后她便从师于一位年长而智慧的丛林飞行员。这位丛林飞行员一向以冷静和善于处理极端事件而在这一地区闻名。
  • After the mandatory ground schooling, at which Rebecca excelled, and during her fourth lesson in the sky,the flight instructor gave her what she thought was a special treat:
  • 丽贝卡在地面控制训练方面做得十分出色。之后,在她第四堂空中飞行课上,飞行指挥员给了她一次她所认为的特殊待遇:
  • Taking his hands off the yoke, he turned the flight controls over to her.
  • 他将全部飞行指挥权交给了她。
  • There she was, just as she had dreamed, sitting tall in the copilot's seat with the flight stick firmly in her hands.
  • 于是,如同丽贝卡所梦寐以求的那样,她高高地坐在副驾驶的位置上,双手紧紧握着操纵杆。
  • Rebecca felt as though she was literally on cloud at least, until a scant moment later when she found herself rudely awakened from her dream.
  • 丽贝卡觉得自己至少已经升上云端了,但紧接着她便从梦幻中惊醒了。
  • In the distance, through the windshield, right in the path of the plane, and seeming to have appeared out of nowhere, a huge snow-capped mountain lay dead ahead.
  • 她从挡风玻璃里看见,就在飞机的航线里,远处一座白雪覆盖的大山不偏不倚地出现在正前方。
  • Transfixed by its sheer mass, Rebecca found herself as frozen at the stick as were the iced and craggy peaks stretched out before her.
  • 丽贝卡完全被这座大山惊呆了,她感觉自己怔怔看着陡峭的冰山在眼前铺开,身体僵在操纵杆前动弹不得。
  • She was headed straight for them!
  • 她正向群峰冲去!
  • All along the wise old instructor was watching her closely, studying her reactions.
  • 整个过程中,那位年长睿智的驾驶员一直在仔细观察她的反应,
  • In fact, he had turned the controls over to her for just this test now taking place.
  • 事实上,他让她操作驾驶,正是为了用眼前这一幕来进行测试。
  • He waited until the last moment he could, and was just about to take over again, when Rebecca snapped out of her fear-induced trance.
  • 他尽己所能地等待着,就在他准备重新掌控飞行时,丽贝卡结束了她那恐惧所致的精神恍惚。
  • Sir, said a voice so trembling and timid that it even scared her, Please take over the controls.
  • 先生,她的声音颤抖着,几乎连她自己都吓到了。她嗫嚅着说:还是您来驾驶吧,
  • I'm afraid we are about to crash!
  • 我怕我们快要撞上了!
  • His reply stunned her.
  • 他的回答则令她震惊。
  • No, he spoke quietly, I don't think I will. After all, it's your flight.
  • 不, 他十分平静,我不这么觉得。不管怎样,这是你的飞行。
  • Then what should I do? Please, tell me what to do! Rebecca said with a struggling to control her voice.
  • 那我应该怎样做?求求你,告诉我该怎么办!丽贝卡尽力克制着自己的声音。
  • She managed to look over at her instructor, and was surprised to see virtually no worry at all upon his face.
  • 她专注地看着她的教练,十分惊异地发现他脸上居然没有半点焦虑恐慌。
  • His calm demeanor helped to steady her nerves.
  • 他的镇定让她也平静了下来。
  • She took a deep breath and relaxed her hands that had just about choked the life out of the control yoke.
  • 她深吸一口气,那双关乎生命存亡的双手终于松了下来。
  • The next moment he gave her a short three-word instruction, and she knew everything would soon be all right.
  • 这时,他给了她一句简短的指令,然后她便知道一切都会好起来的。
  • He simply said, Change your altitude.
  • 他只是简单说了句:改变你的高度。
  • Of course, her own mind echoed back to his command, and a split second later she pulled firmly back on the yoke;the craft responded by rising, and mere moments later the icy peak passed beneath her and out of sight.
  • 当然了,她在意识里回应着他的指令,几秒钟之后她便牢牢拉回了操纵杆,飞机随之上攀,一会儿便飞过了冰雪覆盖的峰顶。
  • As Rebecca sat there, relieved by the results of her actions, she was struck by two things at once:
  • 丽贝卡坐了下来,她用自己的行为改变了结果,因而感到如释重负。这时,她意识到了两件事:
  • How could she have forgotten that the controls were in her hands, and at least as important, why had she been unable to remember this on her own?
  • 第一,怎么能忘记控制权是在自己手中呢?第二点同样重要,为什么自己就想不起来这一点呢?
  • She could choose her own altitude.
  • 她可以决定自己的高度。


Change altitude

Rebecca had decided that her best chance of getting hired by a company doing geological survey work in the Alaskan wilderness was to earn a private license to fly twin-engine planes.
A few days later she began taking lessons from a wise old bush pilot,highly respected throughout the region for his cool and collected ways of dealing with the worst possible situations.
After the mandatory ground schooling, at which Rebecca excelled, and during her fourth lesson in the sky,the flight instructor gave her what she thought was a special treat:
Taking his hands off the yoke, he turned the flight controls over to her.

There she was, just as she had dreamed, sitting tall in the copilot's seat with the flight stick firmly in her hands.

Rebecca felt as though she was literally on cloud at least, until a scant moment later when she found herself rudely awakened from her dream.
In the distance, through the windshield, right in the path of the plane, and seeming to have appeared out of nowhere, a huge snow-capped mountain lay dead ahead.
Transfixed by its sheer mass, Rebecca found herself as frozen at the stick as were the iced and craggy peaks stretched out before her.
She was headed straight for them!
All along the wise old instructor was watching her closely, studying her reactions.
In fact, he had turned the controls over to her for just this test now taking place.
He waited until the last moment he could, and was just about to take over again, when Rebecca snapped out of her fear-induced trance.
Sir, said a voice so trembling and timid that it even scared her, Please take over the controls.
I'm afraid we are about to crash!
His reply stunned her.
No, he spoke quietly, I don't think I will. After all, it's your flight.
不, 他十分平静,我不这么觉得。不管怎样,这是你的飞行。
Then what should I do? Please, tell me what to do! Rebecca said with a struggling to control her voice.
She managed to look over at her instructor, and was surprised to see virtually no worry at all upon his face.
His calm demeanor helped to steady her nerves.
She took a deep breath and relaxed her hands that had just about choked the life out of the control yoke.
The next moment he gave her a short three-word instruction, and she knew everything would soon be all right.
He simply said, Change your altitude.
Of course, her own mind echoed back to his command, and a split second later she pulled firmly back on the yoke;the craft responded by rising, and mere moments later the icy peak passed beneath her and out of sight.
As Rebecca sat there, relieved by the results of her actions, she was struck by two things at once:
How could she have forgotten that the controls were in her hands, and at least as important, why had she been unable to remember this on her own?
She could choose her own altitude.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mandatory ['mændətəri]


adj. 命令的,强制性的,受委托的 n. 受托管理者

rudely ['ru:dli]


adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地,粗陋地

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

timid ['timid]


adj. 胆怯的,害羞的

command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配

instruction [in'strʌkʃən]


n. 说明,须知,指令,教学

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

wilderness ['wildənis]


n. 荒野,荒地





