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有声读物《暮光之城·暮色》第173期:第十一章 复杂(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Andersen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Then I'm very sorry I upset you."
  • “那么,我很抱歉,我惹你生气了。”
  • His eyes burned with sincerity for a protracted moment—playing havoc with the rhythm of my heart—and then turned playful.
  • 他的眼里燃烧着真诚的火焰,灼烧了许久——严重破坏了我心跳的节奏——然后变成了打趣的眼神。
  • "And I'll be on your doorstep bright and early Saturday morning."
  • “而晴朗的周六那天,一大早我就会站在你家的门阶上。”
  • "Um, it doesn't help with the Charlie situation if an unexplained Volvo is left in the driveway."
  • “呃,如果一辆不请自来的沃尔沃停在车道上,对查理的情形不会有任何帮助的。”
  • His smile was condescending now. "I wasn't intending to bring a car."
  • “呃,如果一辆不请自来的沃尔沃停在车道上,对查理的情形不会有任何帮助的。”
  • "How—"
  • “怎么——”
  • He cut me off. "Don't worry about it. I'll be there, no car."
  • 他打断了我的话。“不必担心这个,我会在那儿的,不会开车来的。”
  • I let it go. I had a more pressing question.
  • 我丢下了这个话题。我有一个更重要的问题要问。
  • "Is it later yet?" I asked significantly.
  • “这就是那个下次吗?”我意味深长地问道。
  • He frowned. "I supposed it is later."
  • 他皱起眉:“我猜它是下次。”
  • I kept my expression polite as I waited.
  • 我维持着彬彬有礼的表情,等待着。
  • He stopped the car.
  • 他把车停了下来。
  • I looked up, surprised—of course we were already at Charlie's house, parked behind the truck.
  • 我惊讶地抬起头——当然,我们已经到查理家了,正停在那辆卡车后面。
  • It was easier to ride with him if I only looked when it was over.
  • 如果我一心只留意着何时结束的话,和他一起坐车会更容易些。
  • When I looked back at him, he was staring at me, measuring with his eyes.
  • 当我回头看向他时,他正注视着我,用眼神衡量着我。
  • "And you still want to know why you can't see me hunt?"
  • “你还是想要知道为什么你不能去看我狩猎吗?”
  • He seemed solemn, but I thought I saw a trace of humor deep in his eyes.
  • 他一本正经地说着,但我想我看到他眼里有一丝打趣的痕迹。
  • "Well," I clarified, "I was mostly wondering about your reaction."
  • “好吧,”我澄清道。“我最好奇的是你的反应。”
  • "Did I frighten you?" Yes, there was definitely humor there.
  • “我吓着你了?”没错,他眼里的打趣显而易见。
  • "No," I lied. He didn't buy it.
  • “没有。”我撒谎道。他没买我的账。
  • "I apologize for scaring you," he persisted with a slight smile, but then all evidence of teasing disappeared.
  • “我为吓着你而道歉。”他固执地维持着一抹浅笑,但随后,所有嘲弄的迹象都消失了。
  • "It was just the very thought of you being there... while we hunted." His jaw tightened.
  • “那确实是想到你在那里……在我们打猎时的反应。”他的下颚一紧。
  • "That would be bad?"
  • “那会很糟吗?”
  • He spoke from between clenched teeth. "Extremely."
  • 他从咬紧的牙缝里挤出几个字。“极其糟糕”
  • "Because... ?"
  • “因为……?”
  • He took a deep breath and stared through the windshield at the thick, rolling clouds that seemed to press down, almost within reach.
  • 他深吸了一口气,向挡风玻璃外看去,注视着那片涌动着的浓云,它似乎要压下来了,几近伸手可及。
  • "When we hunt," he spoke slowly, unwillingly,
  • “当我们狩猎的时候,”他极慢地,很不情愿地说道。
  • "we give ourselves over to our senses... govern less with our minds. Especially our sense of smell.
  • “我们会凭自己的感觉行事……几乎不受自己的意志控制,尤其依赖于我们的嗅觉。
  • If you were anywhere near me when I lost control that way..."
  • 如果在我那样失控的时候,你在我周围的任何地方……”
  • He shook his head, still gazing morosely at the heavy clouds.
  • 他摇了摇头,依然忧郁地注视着那片厚重的云层。


"Then I'm very sorry I upset you." His eyes burned with sincerity for a protracted momentplaying havoc with the rhythm of my heartand then turned playful. "And I'll be on your doorstep bright and early Saturday morning."


"Um, it doesn't help with the Charlie situation if an unexplained Volvo is left in the driveway."


His smile was condescending now. "I wasn't intending to bring a car."


"How —"


He cut me off. "Don't worry about it. I'll be there, no car."


I let it go. I had a more pressing question.


"Is it later yet?" I asked significantly.


He frowned. "I supposed it is later."


I kept my expression polite as I waited.


He stopped the car. I looked up, surprisedof course we were already at Charlie's house, parked behind the truck. It was easier to ride with him if I only looked when it was over. When I looked back at him, he was staring at me, measuring with his eyes.


"And you still want to know why you can't see me hunt?" He seemed solemn, but I thought I saw a trace of humor deep in his eyes.


"Well," I clarified, "I was mostly wondering about your reaction."


"Did I frighten you?" Yes, there was definitely humor there.


"No," I lied. He didn't buy it.


"I apologize for scaring you," he persisted with a slight smile, but then all evidence of teasing disappeared. "It was just the very thought of you being therewhile we hunted." His jaw tightened.


"That would be bad?"


He spoke from between clenched teeth. "Extremely."


"Because… ?"


He took a deep breath and stared through the windshield at the thick, rolling clouds that seemed to press down, almost within reach.


"When we hunt," he spoke slowly, unwillingly, "we give ourselves over to our sensesgovern less with our minds. Especially our sense of smell. If you were anywhere near me when I lost control that way…" He shook his head, still gazing morosely at the heavy clouds.



与图书题目相得益彰的是,“暮光之城”系列别具匠心的封面设计则很好地传达出了每本书内在的深远寓意。斯蒂芬妮·梅尔指出《暮色》封面上的苹果代表“创世纪” 内善恶树上的禁果。象征贝拉和爱德华之间人类与吸血鬼禁忌的爱恋。在书的开头引用了“创世纪”217页的内容:“只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定死。”这同时也代表了贝拉如何分辨善恶——选择是否吃下那颗禁忌的果实,这比喻了选择跟爱德华在一起或远离他

重点单词   查看全部解释    
upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

govern ['gʌvən]


vt. 统治,支配,管理,规定
vi. 统治,

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制



adj. 未经解释的;未经说明的;不清楚的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

havoc ['hævək]


n. 大破坏,混乱 vt. 破坏

rhythm ['riðəm,'riθəm]


n. 节奏,韵律,格律,节拍





