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Egyptians filled Cairo's Tahrir square are about tens of thousands, some _1_ fireworks in an atmosphere where pro- and anti-government activists risking at explosive confrontation. The military has given president Mohamed Mursi and his rivals until tomorrow to settle their political disputes, or the military says it will do it for them. Meanwhile the Pentagon _2_ the speculate about what might happen in the Egypt should the country's embattled president fail to offer political concessions to the opposition by the Wednesday deadline that was set by the Egyptian military. NPR's Craig Windham reports some of president Obama's top national security advisors have been meeting to discuss a way forward in Egypt.
数万名埃及民众聚集在开罗塔利尔广场,一些人燃放烟花,支持和反对政府的活动人士很可能会爆发冲突NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,奥巴马总统的几位高级国家安全顾问正在会面,商讨埃及的发展方向 。 。军方给总统穆罕默德·穆尔西和他的竞争对手设定了最后期限,让他们在明天之前解决政治争端,否则军方将代替他们处理局势 。同时,有猜测称埃及可能发生的情况是该国陷入困境的总统在周三最后期限前未能向反对派做出政治让步,而这是由埃及军方造成的,五角大楼方面拒绝评价这种猜测 。据
The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has reportedly _3_ with his Egyptian counterpart. General Martin Dempsey is said to point out that US laws require a cut in assistance in most situations if the country's militaries _4_ a coup. Pentagon spokesman George Little declined to speculate about what would happen if there were to be a coup. He says the US wants to see an easing of tensions in Egypt and a halt to the violence there.
据悉,参谋长联席会议主席与埃及武装部队主席举行了谈话 。据说马丁·登普西将军指出,如果埃及军方参与政变,依照美国法律要求,在多数情况下美国将会切断援助 。五角大楼发言人乔治·利特尔拒绝猜测发生政变后可能出现的情况 。他表示,美国希望看到埃及的局势得到缓解,停止暴力活动 。
"The hope from the United States is that, this _5_ a peaceable manner in that democratic transition process from the head."
“美国所希望的是,领导人能在民主过渡过程中采取和平的方式 。”
Little did not say whether the US has got many commitment from Egypt's military to provide security for Americans at the US embassy if the showdown in Egypt intensifies. Craig Windham NPR News, Washington.
利特尔并没有说明美国是否从埃及军方那里得到承诺,如果埃及局势恶化,会为美国大使馆的美国公民提供安全保障NPR新闻,克雷格·温德姆华盛顿报道 。 。
1. speculate
eg. It would be unfair to Debby's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide.
猜测黛比自杀的原因对她的家人来说是不公平的 。
eg. The doctors speculate that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head.
医生推测他死于头部受击引起的脑溢血 。
eg. The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.
各银行贷出去太多高风险贷款,目前无法收回,他们还进行地产投机,而地产的价值目前已经下跌了 。
2. embattled
eg. The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.
焦头烂额的总统还否认了最近有关他被自己的士兵挟持为人质的说法 。
eg. Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
双方都表示想努力为处于战乱中的该岛北部和东部地区寻求政治解决方案 。
eg. Embattled on all sides, it has really become a city in danger.
由于四面受敌,这里俨然成了一座危城 。