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New researches out on breast cancer and specifically on how African American women _1_. It says black women _2_ to be more likely than had been thought to have genetic flaws that increase their risk for breast cancer. The new data was released today during a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago.NPR's Rob Stein has details.
有关乳腺癌的新研究揭示了非洲裔美国女性是如何患上乳腺癌的NPR新闻的罗布·斯坦将带来详细报道 。 。研究表明,研究表明,黑人女性更容易因基因缺陷而增加患乳腺癌的机率 。今天,美国临床肿瘤学会在芝加哥的会议上发表了新数据 。
Researchers analyse the gene of more than 200 breast cancer patients in Chicago. They found that 1/5 of the women had genetic flaws linked to breast cancer including the well known BRCA 1 and 2 genes. The defects were especially common among those who had aggressive form of breast cancer known as triple negative breast cancer. The findings could help find why black women tend to be more likely to get breast cancer when they _3_ and it could help explain why they tend to _4_ likely to survive after being diagnosed. Scientists say the findings suggest black women should be encouraged more to undergo screening for breast cancer genes. Rob Stein NPR News.
研究人员分析了芝加哥200余名乳腺癌患者的基因BRCA 1和BRCA2基因 。这种缺陷在那些患有恶性乳腺癌,即三阴性乳腺癌患者身上极其普遍 。研究结果有助于找出为什么黑人女性更容易在年轻时患乳腺癌,也有助于解释为什么她们在诊断后难以存活的原因 。科学家表示,研究结果表明,应更多的鼓励黑人女性接受乳腺癌基因的检查 。NPR新闻,罗布·斯坦报道 。 。他们发现,五分之一的女性都有与乳腺癌相关的基因缺陷,其中就包括著名的
President Obama says it's time to bring the issue of mental illness out of the shadows. To that end the White House's hosting the conference on mental health, part of a broader response to the New Town school _5_ five months ago. That also includes proposals for tighter gun controls.
奥巴马总统表示,是时候将精神疾病带出阴影了 。为了达到这个目的,白宫召开了精神健康会议,并以此作为对五个月前纽顿学校枪击案的更广泛回应 。会议还包括了更严格枪支管控的提议 。
1. flaw n. 缺点,弱点;瑕疵;缺陷;错误;谬误
eg. The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.
他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急 。
eg. I can't find a flaw in his argument.
在他的论点中,我找不到任何破绽 。
eg. Almost all of these studies have serious flaws.
几乎所有这些研究中都存在严重谬误 。
2. to that end 为了那个目的;
eg. And now they are moving in the same direction. To that end we are very flattered.
而目前他们也正是朝著同一个方向迈进,为此我们感到非常荣幸 。
eg. To that end we will devote our strength, our resources , and our firmness of resolve.
为此目的,我们将贡献出我们的力量 、 财力及坚定决心 。