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The hacker group Anonymous says it is taking down the website of the US Sentencing Commission. The hackers say the attack on the federal website is in retaliation for the suicide of Internet activist Aaron Swartz. Swartz's family in France _1_ his death on federal prosecutors. They say the government was over-zealous in prosecuting Swartz for allegedly downloading millions of academic articles with the intention of distributing them for free.
黑客集团Anonymous表示要攻击美国量刑委员会的网站 。黑客表示,攻击联邦网站是要报复互联网激进分子亚伦•斯沃茨自杀事件 。斯沃茨在法国的家人将其死亡归咎于联邦检察机关 。他的家人表示,斯沃茨被控为了要免费分发而下载了数百万篇学术文章,而政府对斯沃茨的检控过当 。
Senator Tom Harkin _2_ he will not seek a sixth term in 2014. NPR's Elizabeth Wynne Johnson reports the Iowa Democrat has been an influential liberal voice on Capitol Hill for going on 40 years.
参议员汤姆•哈金宣布,他在2014年将不会再寻求第六个任期NPR新闻的伊丽莎白•怀恩•约翰逊报道,近40年的时间里,爱荷华州的民主党人向来对国会山的自由表达具有影响力 。 。据
Five terms in the United States House of Representatives followed by five terms in the Senate, yet 73-year-old Tom Harkin is still the junior Senator from Iowa. As chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Harkin supported the health care overhaul in 2010, and he was an outspoken advocate for people with disabilities. Harkin's decision to retire from the Senate _3_ his term could be an opening for Republicans in 2014. Iowa is a potential swing state. That seat will be a coveted opportunity for the GOP to narrow the Democrats' majority in the Senate. Elizabeth Wynne Johnson, NPR News, Washington.
汤姆•哈金今年73岁,在美国众议院任职五个任期,之后又在参议院任职五个任期,他至今仍是代表爱荷华州的初级参议员NPR新闻,伊丽莎白•怀恩•约翰逊华盛顿报道 。 。哈金作为卫生,教育,劳工及退休金委员会主席,2010年表示支持医疗改革,他也曾直言提倡关心残疾人 。哈金决定任期结束后便从参议院退休的决定,在2014年对于共和党来说是个机会 。爱荷华州是个潜在的摇摆州 。那个席位对希望缩小参议院中民主党多数席位的共和党来说是个盼望已久的机会 。
At least 30 people are dead in rioting in Egypt following news that 21 soccer fans _4_ the death penalty. The fans _5_ court for their part in a deadly soccer riot nearly a year ago. It left 74 people dead. There were additional violent protests in Egypt that had nothing to do with the soccer verdict. This is the second anniversary of the start of the Egyptian protests that ultimately toppled Egyptian President Mubarak.Today protesters say they are opposed to President Mohamed Morsi and his party, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood. They want Morsi to change the newly ratified constitution.
埃及宣布21名足球迷将被判处死刑后,在埃及国内引发了骚乱,至少造成31人死亡 。这21人因涉及近一年前的足球骚乱致死事件而被法庭定罪 。那起足球骚乱事件造成74人死亡 。埃及还爆发了更多的暴力抗议事件,而这些都与足球案的判决无关 。这是埃及革命并推翻埃及总统穆巴拉克的两周年纪念活动 。今天,抗议者表示他们反对总统穆罕默德•穆尔西及其政党伊斯兰穆斯林兄弟会 。他们希望穆尔西能改变他批准的新宪法 。
You are listening to NPR News from Washington.
您正在收听华盛顿NPR新闻 。
1、take down 拆卸;记录,记下;笔录;取下
eg. The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians.
加拿大军队拆掉了印第安人设置的路障 。
eg. Alberg took the portrait down from the wall.
阿尔伯格从墙上摘下那幅肖像画 。
eg. I took down his comments in shorthand.
我用速记法把他的评论记录了下来 。
2. with the intention of 打算……,以……为目的
eg. He wrote the letter with the intention of asking for some advice.
他写了这封信打算征求一些意见 。
eg. We know that no one ever seized power with the intention of relinquishing it.
我们很明白,没有人会为了废除权力而夺取权力 。
eg. He went to Paris with the intention of learning French.
他去巴黎的目的是学法语 。