Every morning for the past three years, Timhas gone on this walk, not for exercise but for money. His currency is this,waste paper. Tim is a scavenger, one of Hong Kong'sestimated 10,000. He searches for old news print, used boxes and cardboard andsells them to a recycler.
Each month I might earn one hundred, or twohundred, or three hundred Hong Kong dollars,that's about 12 to 36 US dollars. His only source of income. Against thebackdrop of a Hong Kong known for its skylineand high life, Tim is the other extreme of the city's wealth gap, the widest inthe developed world.
Back his 9-story walkup which he can onlywith the government's help, his paper trash is stashed in the corner waiting tobe sold. The money goes to food for himself, his disabled wife and histen-year-old daughter.
People looked at me and they see a man whois decades old and cannot move as quickly as others.
So Tim's salvation is the sound of arecycling plant that puts the pennies in his pocket, but he is earning muchless than before.
Recyclers are selling out less money todaythan they were a year ago. For example this book which is about one kilo willgets you about nine cents, but this time last year that could get you about 18cents, sounds like a penny, but to the poor every cent counts.
Jack Law President of one of Hong Kong'soldest recycling companies blames Europe'sdebt crisis.
Europe's problems mean fewer clothes and toy orders, fewer orders meanless demand for paper boxes so the price of paper has fallen.
And because 98 percent of Hong Kong'srecovered goes to be recycled in
July is when prices should start to pickup, retailers in Europe and the
Law adds here in up to 400,000 dollars lastyear, this year he expects to just break even.
Law董事长接着说,去年到目前为止,已经有400, 000美元的进项了,今年他甚至都觉得要破产喽。
As for Tim, his hope is just a dollar aday.
I am not sure about next year, price mightrise or fall, it's like buying shares, you never know where they are going.
So his only hedge is to keep scavenging formore paper and hopes the prices rise again.