常言喝酒伤身,而约翰•库伦教授称无酒精红葡萄酒可以缓解血管压力,喝后有益健康。低剂量饮葡萄酒对心脏病有好处的信息已广为人知,现在证实了无酒精葡萄 酒有与葡萄酒一样对心脏的益处,却又没有酒精过度的麻烦,实在是柳暗花明又一村。 Red wine contains polyphenols which have antiauxinal properties.
And those are known to actually lower our blood pressure by causing the vessels to actually relax, the blood vessels to relax.
The other properties that's the polyphenols have are to overall, as far as heart diseases goes, is to prevent inflammation within the blood vessels,
in that this stop blood cells from attaching to the blood vessel wall which are warning the earlier stages of the initiation of heart disease.
And studies have also shown that the ethanol itself can actually prevent some of these effects, as well, as far as arteriosclerosis goes, with the alcohol alone.
On blood pressure, there have been various studies, some have shown that once you had two drinks a day, might take two drinks, then you can actually increase blood pressure with ethanol.