I am Bear Grylls. I've served with the British Special Forces. I've climbed to the summit of Everest and crossed the frozen oceans of the Arctic. Now, I'm in the Australia's outback, a vast wilderness. Five million visitors come here every year to see these rugged lands. Hundreds need rescuing. I'm gonna show the skills needed to survive out here.
我是Bear Grylls。我曾在英国特种部队服役。我曾登上珠穆朗玛峰顶,横跨过严寒的北冰洋。现在的我处在澳大利亚内陆—一片辽阔的荒野里。每年有500万的游客来这里游览观看这片崎岖的山地。其中成百人需要被营救。我将为你们展示走出这片荒野的求生技巧。
I'm flying over western Australia in a region called the Kimberley. It's an area the size of California. Yet only 30,000 people live here and most of those by the coast. This place is wild. The outback has an extreme climate. For eight months of the years, it never rains and it can get up to 130 degrees. Now it's the wet season and it's even tougher. Humidity is often a hundred percent, which makes the temperatures feel even more unbearable. The Aussies call it the suicide season. Of the thousands of the hardcore tourists who come here, 40 lose their lives every year to heat, snakes and cyclones. They say if you get lost out here with no survival skills, there's a 75-percent chance you'll die.
But I'm gonna show how you can survive in this harshest of environments. If needed, I'll get some help from local experts and a camera crew will follow me.