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编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We had no time for conversation.
  • 我们连谈话的时间都没有。
  • 'Come!' Alan said, and started running along the side of the hill, keeping low to the ground.
  • “来!”艾伦说道,接着沿着山边、伏着身子跑起来。
  • I followed him like a sheep.
  • 我像一只绵羊一样地跟着他。
  • We ran and ran, faster than I had ever run before, and my heart was beating wildly.
  • 我们跑啊跑,我从来没有跑这么快过,我的心狂乱地跳着。
  • Sometimes, to my surprise, Alan straightened his back and showed himself to the soldiers who were chasing us.
  • 有时,令我惊讶的是,艾伦站直了腰,故意向追我们的士兵暴露他自己。
  • After fifteen minutes, Alan stopped, lay flat in the heather, and turned to me.
  • 15分钟后,艾伦停下来,平躺在草丛里,对我转过身来。
  • 'Now,' he said, 'this is serious. Do what I do, if ye don't want to die'.
  • “且听我讲,”他说,“这很严重。如果你不想死的话,照我做的做。”
  • And just as fast, but much more carefully and secretly, we went back almost the same way that we had come.
  • 我们又和刚才一样快地、但更当心并更隐密地几乎是原路折回。
  • At last we arrived back in the wood where I had found Alan.
  • 最后我们又抵达了我以前发现艾伦的那片树林。
  • We fell down in the heather, and lay without moving for a long time.
  • 我们倒在石南丛里,一动不动地躺了很长一段时间。
  • My legs hurt, my head was aching, and I thought I was dead.
  • 我的腿疼,头也疼,我想我要死了。
  • Alan was the first to speak. 'Well,' he said, 'that was hot work, David.'
  • 艾伦首先开了口。“晤,”他说道,“那可是一件棘手的事,戴维。”
  • I said nothing. I had seen murder done.
  • 我没说话。我目击了刺杀。
  • I knew that Colin Campbell had been Alan's greatest enemy, and I had found Alan hiding in the wood.
  • 我知道科林·坎贝尔一直是艾伦最恨的敌人而且当时我也发现艾伦躲在树丛里。
  • Although I didn't think that he had actually shot Campbell, I felt sure that he had planned the killing. I could not look at him.
  • 虽然我认为他没有亲手杀死坎贝尔,但我敢肯定他预谋了刺杀。我当时无法正视他。
  • 'Are ye still tired?' he asked.
  • “你是不是还累?”他问道。
  • 'No,' I replied, my face turned away from him, 'no, I'm not tired now.
  • “不,”我答道,把脸从他那边转开。“不,我现在不累。
  • Alan, I can't stay with you, I must leave you.
  • 艾伦,我不能和你待在一起,我得离开你。
  • I liked you very much, but we're two different people, that's all.'
  • 我曾非常喜欢你,但我们是两个不同的人,就这些。”
  • 'Ye must explain what ye mean by that, David,' said Alan, looking very serious.
  • “你得解释你那话是什么意思,戴维。”艾伦说道,表情非常严肃。
  • 'Alan, why do you ask? You know very well that Colin Campbell is lying dead in the road in his own blood.'
  • “艾伦,你为什么要问?你很清楚科林·坎贝尔正躺在路上血泊里,死了。”
  • Alan was silent for a moment,
  • 艾伦沉默了一下。
  • 'Well, Mr Balfour of Shaws,' he said at last, 'I promise ye that I did not plan the murder, or know anything about it.'
  • “好吧,鲍尔弗·肖先生,”他最后说道,“我向你保证我没有预谋杀人,也不知道什么。”
  • 'Thank God for that!' I cried, and offered him my hand.
  • “谢天谢地!”我喊道,并向他伸出了我的手。
  • He did not appear to see it. I don't know why ye're so worried about a dead Campbell,' he said.
  • 他似乎没有看到。“我不明白你为什么这么关心一个死了的坎贝尔人,”他说道。
  • 'I know that you hate their clan, Alan, but taking a life in cold blood is a terrible thing to do. Do you know who did it?'
  • “我知道你恨他们氏族,艾伦,但是蓄意谋杀一个人是一件很可怕的事。你知道是谁干的吗?”
  • 'I wouldn't recognize him again,' said Alan, shaking his head sadly, 'I'm good at forgetting, David."
  • “我再也认不出他了。”艾伦说道,悲伤地摇摇头,“我很健忘,戴维。”
  • I had to laugh at that. Then I remembered something.
  • 对此我只能笑笑而已。接着我又想起来什么了。
  • 'But when we were running away, you showed yourself to the soldiers, to give the murderer a chance to escape!'
  • “但是当我们逃路时,你把你自己暴露给士兵,就是为了给刺杀者一个逃跑的机会!”
  • 'Any Highlander would do that. The best place for the lad who shot Colin Campbell is the heather, and we must all do what we can to help him keep away from the soldiers.'
  • “任何高地人都会那样做的。枪杀了科林·坎贝尔的小伙子的最佳栖身之处就是石南丛林,而且我们应该竭尽全力帮助他从士兵那儿脱身。”
  • I shook my head at this.
  • 我对此摇了摇头。
  • These Highlanders were strange, wild people, to be sure.
  • 这些高地人确实很怪,很野蛮。
  • But Alan was ready to die for what he thought was right, and I liked him for that.
  • 但是艾伦愿意为他认为对的东西而献身,我喜欢他那一点。
  • I offered him my hand again, and this time he took it.
  • 我又向他伸出手去,这一次他握住了我的手。
  • 'Now, David,' he said, 'we must escape too. The Campbells will accuse us both of the murder.'
  • “听我说,戴维,”他说道,“我们也必须逃跑。坎贝尔人将指责我们俩杀了人。”
  • 'But we didn't do it!' I cried. 'We can prove that in court!'
  • “但是我们没有做!”我叫道,“我们能在法庭上证实那一点!”
  • 'Man, I'm surprised at ye,' said Alan.
  • “伙计,我对你感到惊讶。”艾伦回答道,
  • 'Do ye not know that if a Campbell is killed, the accused has to go to court in Inveraray, in the heart of Campbell country?
  • “难道你不知道如果一个坎贝尔人被杀了,被指控的人得去坎贝尔人地域的中心因弗雷里当堂对簿吗?
  • When the Campbell lawyers have finished with ye, ye'll be dead!'
  • 当坎贝尔的律师们和你一起结束工作时,你也就要死了!”
  • This frightened me a little. 'All right, Alan,' I said, ' I'll go with you.'
  • 这使我有点害怕了。“好吧,艾伦,”我说道,“我和你一起走。”
  • 'But remember,' said Alan, 'it'll be a hard life.
  • “但是记住,”艾伦说道,“生活将是艰苦的。
  • Ye'll have to sleep in the open air, and ye'll often have an empty stomach.
  • 你得睡在露天处,还得时常忍饥挨饿。
  • Ye can choose—either live in the heather with me, or die at the hands of the Campbells.'
  • 你可以选择——要么和我一起在石南丛林中生活,要么死在坎贝尔人手里。”
  • 'That's easy to decide,' I said, and we shook hands on it.
  • “那很容易决定。”我说道,而且我们俩人握手言定。


We had no time for conversation. 'Come!' Alan said, and started running along the side of the hill, keeping low to the ground. I followed him like a sheep. We ran and ran, faster than I had ever run before, and my heart was beating wildly. Sometimes, to my surprise, Alan straightened his back and showed himself to the soldiers who were chasing us.

After fifteen minutes, Alan stopped, lay flat in the heather, and turned to me. 'Now,' he said, 'this is serious. Do what I do, if ye don't want to die'. And just as fast, but much more carefully and secretly, we went back almost the same way that we had come. At last we arrived back in the wood where I had found Alan.
We fell down in the heather, and lay without moving for a long time. My legs hurt, my head was aching, and I thought I was dead.
Alan was the first to speak. 'Well,' he said, 'that was hot work, David.'
I said nothing. I had seen murder done. I knew that Colin Campbell had been Alan's greatest enemy, and I had found Alan hiding in the wood. Although I didn't think that he had actually shot Campbell, I felt sure that he had planned the killing. I could not look at him.
'Are ye still tired?' he asked.
'No,' I replied, my face turned away from him, 'no, I'm not tired now. Alan, I can't stay with you, I must leave you. I liked you very much, but we're two different people, that's all.'
'Ye must explain what ye mean by that, David,' said Alan, looking very serious.
'Alan, why do you ask? You know very well that Colin Campbell is lying dead in the road in his own blood.'
Alan was silent for a moment, 'Well, Mr Balfour of Shaws,' he said at last, 'I promise ye that I did not plan the murder, or know anything about it.'
'Thank God for that!' I cried, and offered him my hand.
He did not appear to see it. I don't know why ye're so worried about a dead Campbell,' he said.
'I know that you hate their clan, Alan, but taking a life in cold blood is a terrible thing to do. Do you know who did it?'
'I wouldn't recognize him again,' said Alan, shaking his head sadly, 'I'm good at forgetting, David. ”
I had to laugh at that. Then I remembered something. 'But when we were running away, you showed yourself to the soldiers, to give the murderer a chance to escape!'
'Any Highlander would do that. The best place for the lad who shot Colin Campbell is the heather, and we must all do what we can to help him keep away from the soldiers.'
I shook my head at this. These Highlanders were strange, wild people, to be sure. But Alan was ready to die for what he thought was right, and I liked him for that. I offered him my hand again, and this time he took it.
'Now, David,' he said, 'we must escape too. The Campbells will accuse us both of the murder.'
'But we didn't do it!' I cried. 'We can prove that in court!'
'Man, I'm surprised at ye,' said Alan. 'Do ye not know that if a Campbell is killed, the accused has to go to court in Inveraray, in the heart of Campbell country? When the Campbell lawyers have finished with ye, ye'll be dead!'
This frightened me a little. 'All right, Alan,' I said, ' I'll go with you.'
'But remember,' said Alan, 'it'll be a hard life. Ye'll have to sleep in the open air, and ye'll often have an empty stomach. Ye can choose-either live in the heather with me, or die at the hands of the Campbells.'
'That's easy to decide,' I said, and we shook hands on it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

accuse [ə'kju:z]


v. 指责,控告,谴责

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





