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编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Two days passed, and on the third day two things happened.
  • 两天过去了,第三天发生了两件事。
  • First, I discovered that I had lost almost all my money through a hole in my pocket.
  • 首先,我发现我几乎所有的钱都从口袋上的一个洞那儿漏掉了。
  • I only had three of my uncle's thirty-eight pounds left. But worse was to come.
  • 叔叔给我的38镑钱只剩下3镑。可是更糟糕的事接踵而至了。
  • While I was sitting on a rock, looking out over Iona, I suddenly noticed a small boat moving fast through the water.
  • 当我坐在一块礁石上远望比爱欧娜岛更远处时,我忽然注意到一条小船飞快地驶过水面。
  • I jumped to my feet and shouted as loudly as I could.
  • 我突然站起来,竭尽全力地叫。
  • The two men in the boat were near enough to hear.
  • 船上的那两个人离我近到了能够听到我的声音的程度。
  • They shouted back in Gaelic, and laughed.
  • 他们用盖尔语对我大声回话,大笑着。
  • But the boat did not turn, and sailed on, right in front of my eyes, to Iona.
  • 但船没有掉头,继续向前驶着,在我眼巴巴的注视之下直至爱欧娜岛。
  • I could not understand why they did not come to help me.
  • 我不明白他们为什么不来帮助我。
  • I continued shouting wildly, although I could no longer see them.
  • 虽然我看不见他们了,但我继续狂叫着。
  • And then, I lay down and cried for the second time.
  • 接着,我躺下来,又一次哭了。
  • This time I wasn't sad, but angry, because I thought that they had left me to die alone in that terrible place.
  • 这一次我并不伤心,而是气愤,因为我想到他们把我留在这个可怕的地方,让我孤零零地死去。
  • The next morning, I was surprised to see that the same men were sailing towards Earraid from Iona.
  • 第二天早上,我惊奇地看见正是那两个人从爱欧娜岛向伊锐德岛驶来。
  • At once I ran down to the rocky coast to meet them.
  • 我立刻跑下来,来到礁岩岸边迎接他们。
  • The boat came near me, but stayed a few metres away in the water.
  • 船到了我附近,但停在水中离我几米远处。
  • There was a third man in the boat, who was talking and laughing with the others.
  • 船上除这两个人外,还有一个人,他正和另外两个人说笑着。
  • Then he stood up and spoke fast to me in Gaelic, which I could not understand.
  • 然后他站起来,用盖尔语对我飞快地说起来,那我听不懂。
  • But sometimes he used an English word, and once I heard the word 'tide'. This gave me a flash of hope.
  • 但有时他也用一个英语单词,一次我听到“潮水”这个词。这给了我一丝希望。
  • 'Do you mean—that when the tide is low...?' I cried, and could not finish.
  • “您是说——当潮水退低时……?”我大声地喊着,但没能说完。
  • 'Yes, yes,' he called back, 'tide,' and laughed again.
  • “对,对,”他回话道,“潮水,”接着又笑了。
  • I turned my back on the boat and ran back excitedly to the east of the island, where Earraid was the closest to Mull.
  • 我转过身,背对着小船,激动地跑回小岛的东端,在那儿伊锐德岛离马尔岛最近。
  • And sure enough, there was now only a little water between the is lands.
  • 而且很肯定的是现在两岛之间的水很少。
  • I was able to wade through it easily, and reached Mull with a happy shout.
  • 我能够轻易地蹚过去,随着一声欢快的叫声我到达马尔。
  • How stupid of me not to realize that it was possible to get to Mull, twice a day, at low tide!
  • 我多傻,竟没有意识到我能乘低潮时一天两次地到马尔!
  • Now I felt very grateful to the boatmen for guessing my problem, and coming back to help me.
  • 我非常感激那些船夫,他们猜到了我的问题而且还回来帮助我。
  • I walked towards the smoke that I had seen so often from Earraid, and reached a long, low house built of stone.
  • 我向我在伊锐德岛上曾这么多次地看到的那缕炊烟走去,到了一个长长的、低矮的石屋那儿。
  • Outside sat an old man, smoking his pipe in the sun.
  • 屋外坐着一位老人,正在太阳下用烟斗吸烟。
  • He spoke a little English, and told me that the officers and sailors from the ship had all arrived there safely a few days before.
  • 他讲一点儿英语,告诉我那条船上的高级船员和水手几天前就已安全地到达了那儿。
  • 'Was one of them dressed in fine clothes?' I asked.
  • “其中有一位穿着考究的人吗?”我问道。
  • 'Aye, there was one like that,' he smiled. 'Ye must be the lad with the silver button!'
  • “对,有像那么回事的一位。”他微笑着,“你一定是那个有银扣子的小伙子!”
  • 'Why, yes!' I said, surprised.
  • “哎,我是!”我说道,感到惊讶。
  • 'Well then, your friend says that ye must follow him to the house of his clansman, James Stewart, in Appin.'
  • “那样的话,你的朋友说你一定得跟着他到他族人詹姆斯·斯图尔特的、位于阿平的家去。”
  • He and his wife gave me food and drink, and let me sleep that night in their house.
  • 他和妻子给我吃的和喝的,并让我夜晚睡在他们家里。
  • In the morning I thanked them for their kindness, and started my journey to Appin.
  • 早晨我谢过了他们的好意,开始了去往阿平的旅途。
  • I walked across Mull to Torosay, where I took a boat across the water to Lochaline.
  • 我穿过马尔岛来到托罗塞岛,乘船来到洛哈林。
  • Then I walked to Kingairlock, where I took another boat across Loch Linnhe to Appin.
  • 接着我走到金盖尔洛克,在那儿又乘船穿过林荷溯到达阿平。
  • This took six days, and on my way I met and spoke to a number of travellers.
  • 这花了我6天时间,一路上我遇到了不少赶路人并和他们进行了交谈。
  • I heard all about Alan's clan, the Stewarts, and their enemies, the Campbells.
  • 我听说了艾伦的氏族斯图尔特人和他们的仇人坎贝尔人的所有的事。
  • Although they were both High land clans, the Campbells and Stewarts had hated each other for years,
  • 虽然他们都是苏格兰高地氏族,但坎贝尔人和斯图尔特人互相仇恨已有数年之久,
  • and now the Campbells were helping the English army drive many Highlanders out of their homes.
  • 而且坎贝尔人现在正在帮着英格兰部队把很多高地人驱赶出他们的家园。
  • Indeed, in a day or two, I heard, red-haired Colin Campbell himself was coming to Appin,
  • 事实上,我又听说一两天后长着红头发的科林·坎贝尔
  • with King George's soldiers, to drive the Stew arts out and so destroy his enemies.
  • 将带领乔治国王的部队到阿平驱逐斯图尔特人,这样就能打垮他的敌人。
  • But I heard also of James Stewart, head of the Stewart clan in Appin, and that he and his clansmen would dearly love to see Colin Campbell dead.
  • 但我又听说阿平的斯图尔特氏族的头领詹姆斯·斯图尔特和他的族人将非常喜欢看到科林·坎贝尔被打死。


Two days passed, and on the third day two things happened. First, I discovered that I had lost almost all my money through a hole in my pocket. I only had three of my uncle's thirty-eight pounds left. But worse was to come. While I was sitting on a rock, looking out over Iona, I suddenly noticed a small boat moving fast through the water. I jumped to my feet and shouted as loudly as I could. The two men in the boat were near enough to hear. They shouted back in Gaelic, and laughed. But the boat did not turn, and sailed on, right in front of my eyes, to Iona.

I could not understand why they did not come to help me. I continued shouting wildly, although I could no longer see them. And then, I lay down and cried for the second time. This time I wasn't sad, but angry, because I thought that they had left me to die alone in that terrible place.
The next morning, I was surprised to see that the same men were sailing towards Earraid from Iona. At once I ran down to the rocky coast to meet them. The boat came near me, but stayed a few metres away in the water. There was a third man in the boat, who was talking and laughing with the others. Then he stood up and spoke fast to me in Gaelic, which I could not understand. But sometimes he used an English word, and once I heard the word 'tide'. This gave me a flash of hope.
'Do you mean—that when the tide is low...?' I cried, and could not finish. 'Yes, yes,' he called back, 'tide,' and laughed again.
I turned my back on the boat and ran back excitedly to the east of the island, where Earraid was the closest to Mull. And sure enough, there was now only a little water between the is lands. I was able to wade through it easily, and reached Mull with a happy shout. How stupid of me not to realize that it was possible to get to Mull, twice a day, at low tide! Now I felt very grateful to the boatmen for guessing my problem, and coming back to help me.
I walked towards the smoke that I had seen so often from Earraid, and reached a long, low house built of stone. Outside sat an old man, smoking his pipe in the sun. He spoke a little English, and told me that the officers and sailors from the ship had all arrived there safely a few days before.
'Was one of them dressed in fine clothes?' I asked.
'Aye, there was one like that,' he smiled. 'Ye must be the lad with the silver button!'
'Why, yes!' I said, surprised.
'Well then, your friend says that ye must follow him to the house of his clansman, James Stewart, in Appin.'
He and his wife gave me food and drink, and let me sleep that night in their house. In the morning I thanked them for their kindness, and started my journey to Appin.
I walked across Mull to Torosay, where I took a boat across the water to Lochaline. Then I walked to Kingairlock, where I took another boat across Loch Linnhe to Appin. This took six days, and on my way I met and spoke to a number of travellers. I heard all about Alan's clan, the Stewarts, and their enemies, the Campbells. Although they were both High land clans, the Campbells and Stewarts had hated each other for years, and now the Campbells were helping the English army drive many Highlanders out of their homes. Indeed, in a day or two, I heard, red-haired Colin Campbell himself was coming to Appin, with King George's soldiers, to drive the Stew arts out and so destroy his enemies. But I heard also of James Stewart, head of the Stewart clan in Appin, and that he and his clansmen would dearly love to see Colin Campbell dead.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

rocky ['rɔki]


adj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的,麻木的,困难重重的

stew [stju:]


n. 炖汤,焖,烦恼 v. 炖汤,焖,忧虑

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的





